You feel paralysed with fear now because you find it hard to imagine a better tomorrow; you still cannot see any light at the end of your tunnel but know this: if Jesus rose from the dead, your trials will end one day.
Read MoreFor Jesus to have chosen these persons after an all-night consultation shows that God’s ways are not ours. In truth, even the “foolishness” of God is wiser than the highest human wisdom.
Read MoreAvoid the single story. It is easy to point fingers, accuse others, and condemn them when we do not know the whole story. The fact that “everybody says so” does not mean they are right. Do not get carried away by public opinion. Be open to the truth, and be ready to shift ground. Learn to ask yourself: “What if I am wrong?”
Read MoreAre you lost at sea, unable to know where to turn? Has life been very harsh to you like it was with Elijah, who found himself fleeing from Jezebel in today’s First Reading? Has your faith in God begun to wane due to the troubles all around you? Today’s message is just for you.
Read MoreThere is a saying: “You will know how much you are loved when you consider how quickly people forget you after your death.” Mary Magdalene wasn’t going to forget Jesus in a hurry. When she recognised Jesus, she used a personal name for Jesus, “Rabonni!” which means “Teacher”. We should all ask ourselves: “Do I have such a personal relationship with Jesus?” “Am I a friend or simply a client?
Read MoreJoseph not only forgave his brothers, but he also went the extra mile to protect them and provide for their needs. It is not enough to say: “I have forgiven you.” Like Joseph, we must restore the broken relationship. Too often, we say things like: “I have forgiven you, but don’t you ever come near me again.” Such forgiveness is only cosmetic.
Read MoreFree your heart and move on. What you have now is far better than what you think you lost. Try to see the brighter side. Trust that God has always and will always be there for you. Even in your darkest moments, God is still there for you. He did it for Joseph. He will do it for you.
Read MoreIf there is any lesson we must take home today, it is: “Be good to children.” Help these little ones; help them achieve their dreams. The same Joseph considered unnecessary by his brothers became Governor of Egypt. The same Joseph sold off is the one about whom Pharaoh said: “Go to Joseph, do whatever he tells you.”
Read MoreStop worrying about your problems. By worrying, we magnify our problems, and God appears lesser. Be like Paul and Silas; sing instead. Sing the praises of God as our Psalmist today prompts: “I will extol you, my God, and bless your name forever… the Lord is faithful in all his words… the Lord supports all who are bowed down.”
Read MoreDear friends, every time we celebrate the Mass, we join Jesus and His disciples in the Upper Room; the place where God comes to meet ordinary humans. It is important to mention that it was in this same Upper Room that the Holy Spirit came upon the apostles on the day of Pentecost. When next you are present at mass, know that you are in the Upper Room; the most powerful room on earth.
Read MoreHappiness on earth may be limited but the happiness above is totally unlimited. If we do not experience happiness as we so desire, let us not give up on God or attempt to seek happiness in sin. The devil cannot give what he does not have; it may seem as if we are enjoying for a while but soon it dawns on us that we have been deceived. Child of God, sorrow may last in the night but joy comes in the morning. Never Give up on God!
Read MoreOur first reading today is a reminder to us that the greatest of all of God’s commandments is to love our neighbours as ourselves. Love cancels our selfishness. Love melts our hearts to live not just for ourselves but for others. Love opens our eyes to see the sufferings of others and touches our heart to offer solutions.
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