A Child of God Does Not Sin

The problem with many Christians today is that they assume there can somehow be a middle way. So long as we know the difference between what is right and what is wrong and we still choose to do what is wrong, we are acting as children of the devil.

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The Power of Jesus versus the Power of Demons

I feel ashamed when I see Christians panicking at the thought of witches and wizards or pastors exulting the devil in their sermons, literally putting fear in the minds of their listeners without also preaching about God’s power as greater than that of the devil. Today’s Christians are willing to ascribe every single negative event in their lives to the power of the devil (including headaches) but are very slow to praise and thank God for positive events in their lives.

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Face to Face with Satan’s Anger

As we struggle to make progress in our spiritual lives every day, let us realize that every step we make in the right direction pisses off the devil more and more. This is a truth clearly hidden from the worldly-minded; a truth which St. Paul says in our first reading, always sounds like mere gibberish to the unspiritual man.

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Sorrow May Last in the Night but Joy comes in the Morning

Happiness on earth may be limited but the happiness above is totally unlimited. If we do not experience happiness as we so desire, let us not give up on God or attempt to seek happiness in sin. The devil cannot give what he does not have; it may seem as if we are enjoying for a while but soon it dawns on us that we have been deceived. Child of God, sorrow may last in the night but joy comes in the morning. Never Give up on God!

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Keys to Overcoming Temptations

Just as every sin begins with a temptation, the struggle against sin begins with the ability to know how to deal with temptations. Hence, on this first Sunday of Lent, our Gospel passage narrates how Jesus succeeded in overcoming temptations in the wilderness.

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How To Survive As Sheep Among Wolves

The prayer of Jesus in today’s Gospel passage carries a lot of deep-seated messages. In fact, this prayer is both prophetic and instructive. Firstly, Jesus highlights the hatred of the world. St. Paul in today’s first reading mentions the fact that “fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock…” (Acts 20:29).

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Every Temptation is a Lie: Never Believe the Devil

In every temptation, Satan presents that which we think is lacking in us. To Adam and Eve, Satan presented the possibility of becoming like God. When Jesus was hungry, Satan asked him to turn stones to bread. When you are broke, Satan will tempt you with money. Satan always tries to take advantage of our wants, tastes and expectations.

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What is the Devil doing in Church?

esus did not teach like the scribes, rather He taught as one who had authority; Jesus taught as God because He knew who He is. When we don’t know who we are, we behave like slaves and allow others to push us around. More still, when in the name of sexual pleasure or in the quest for material riches, we sell ourselves to the devil we become so entangled in sin that our heart becomes hardened and we feel hopeless. If today you hear God speaking to your heart, do not remain in darkness.

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Even the Devil Knows Who is who

Yes the devil has power but you are stronger because He that is in you is greater than he that is in the world. (1st John 4:4). Just don’t try to eat your cake and have it because the devil knows those who are for him and those who are truly against him. As the saying goes: “If you are not fighting against the devil, you are probably working for him.”

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