“It is harder to watch the pains of those we love than to bear our pains.” Mary stood beside her son in his moments of agony, scourging at the pillar and carrying on the cross and crucifixion. She remained even while his close friends, the disciples, fled for their dear lives.
Read MoreAvoid envy; no one is better than you. Avoid pride; you are not better than anyone else. We are just different. So mind your business – show concern about others but avoid comparing your life to that of anyone. You are unique. Even if it is only one talent that you have, nurture it. Remember that talent is never enough. You must develop it like gold that must be polished and purified to shine.
Read MoreRemember the end; even the air you breathe is borrowed, and you will have to relinquish it someday. Do not be attached to anything on earth, not even the hurts of others. Forgive quickly, and take life easy. What troubles you now will not matter if you die, so just let it go. In summary, try to live every day as if it is your last day on earth. This will help you be at your best.
Read MoreCarrying the cross entails embracing the difficult aspects of our Christian faith, such as: loving our enemies, forgiving hurts easily, and upholding strong moral values such as faithfulness to one’s marital vows, purity of heart, honesty, kindness, etc. In a world that further immerses itself in darkness, keeping God’s commandments faithfully is a huge cross. Nevertheless, this is our calling.
Read MoreIn today’s Gospel passage, we meet two persons in very tough situations - a ruler whose daughter had just died and a woman who suffered from a haemorrhage for twelve years. Both of them dared to approach Jesus for a solution believing firmly in their hearts that Jesus was capable.
Read MoreLet us by every means avoid having to compare ourselves with others because we do not know the whole story. Stop asking: “Is her/his/their cross heavier than mine?” We are all carrying the crosses that God deems fit for each of us. No one has it all good!
Read MoreWhen you live well, you lose the fear of death. Paul was not afraid to die. He said: “you will see my face no more.” At only 33 years old, Jesus prayed: “I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work which you gave me to do… I have manifested your name to the men whom you gave me out of the world…” By every standard, Jesus died at a very young age but he died a fulfilled person. In Jesus, we learn that a fulfilled life is not measured by the number of one’s days but by the quality of those days.
Read MoreBecause Jesus once took our flesh, Jesus knows exactly what it means to be betrayed, insulted, made to suffer injustice, seriously grieved, lied to, treated with ingratitude, and so on. Through his suffering and death, Jesus has gone through every possible emotion that we go through. This makes Jesus the perfect High Priest as the Book of Hebrews explains
Read MoreIn fact, it was only after the death of Jesus that it dawned on people that “Truly, this was the Son of God.” Nothing last forever. Don’t worry, the time is coming that those who are laughing at you now will come and kneel before you. Just don’t give up; keep doing what is right.
Read MoreIn John 6, Jesus told us: “I am the living bread which came down from heaven; if anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever.” (John 6:51). In this same light, Jesus is saying to us today: “If anyone keeps my word, he will never see death.” (John 8:51).
Read MoreLike Lazarus who was bound all over, sin ties us down and keeps us stagnated spiritually. That is why we need Jesus in our lives. And it really doesn’t matter how deep sin may have crushed us. It is not too late today to repent and begin to live a new life in Christ.
Read MoreThe death of the Holy innocents casts a dark shadow on our Christmas celebration. It gives us a glimpse of the darkness that so filled the earth before Christ’s birth brought light to the world. It also gives us a glimpse of what life on earth would have been if Jesus had not brought salvation. If Jesus wasn’t born, I guess none of us would have been alive today.
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