From Shame to Glory

Just as a tree was the source of humanity's downfall in the Garden of Eden, a tree (the cross) was the object upon which Christ redeemed humanity. When Jesus carried the cross, he corrected the mistake of Adam. The tree, a symbol of death for Adam, has now become a symbol of life for humanity.

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Do Not Be Conformed To This World

Let’s face it: though we live in the world, we do not belong to this world, and the world hates us. (John 15:18-19) If you have not been experiencing this hatred (if you have never suffered anything for the sake of God), it is because you have been compromising your Christian values. As the saying goes: “If the devil is not fighting you, it is because you have been working for him.” Do not be conformed to this world.

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To Follow Jesus is to Embrace the Cross

Carrying the cross entails embracing the difficult aspects of our Christian faith, such as: loving our enemies, forgiving hurts easily, and upholding strong moral values such as faithfulness to one’s marital vows, purity of heart, honesty, kindness, etc. In a world that further immerses itself in darkness, keeping God’s commandments faithfully is a huge cross. Nevertheless, this is our calling.

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Save Yourself from This Crooked Generation

Mary Magdalene saw the risen Jesus but she thought he was the gardener. For a moment, she was blind to reality staring her in the face. Jesus visits us daily but we hardly recognize Him. Recall the words of the sixth station of the Cross – “Can you be brave enough to wipe my face? ‘Where is your face?’ you may ask me, and I will answer: ‘In the streets, traffic jams, the remote and dirty villages, wherever suffering exists, my face is there and I look for you to wipe away my blood and tears.”

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The Way of the Cross is the Way to Life

Because Jesus once took our flesh, Jesus knows exactly what it means to be betrayed, insulted, made to suffer injustice, seriously grieved, lied to, treated with ingratitude, and so on. Through his suffering and death, Jesus has gone through every possible emotion that we go through. This makes Jesus the perfect High Priest as the Book of Hebrews explains

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The Christian Life is a Cross

Even today, the greatest persecution we face come from those who claim to know God but do not know Him. One lesson we learn from Jesus’ action today is that even when our life is under threat, we should not be afraid to continue our good works. Do not drop the cross. Be faithful to the end.

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Choose Good, Choose Life; Choose Blessing

In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus sends out an open invitation to us, “If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me for whoever would save his life will lose it; and whoever loses his life for my sake, he will save it.”

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Never Try to Challenge God

The story of the Tower of Babel can be likened to the story of the Titanic. It was said about that great ship that “nothing can sink it, not even God.” In the end, the ship sank. Another way we challenge God is by living in total disregard for God’s commandments. I have heard many who argue that Christianity only exists to put fear in our minds and prevent us from using our brains. This was the exact same thing the serpent said to Eve while tempting her to eat the forbidden fruit.

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Let Go of Vanity; Embrace the Cross

Our attachment to wealth and material possession very often acts as an obstacle to the practice of our Christian virtues. Jesus told us that we cannot serve two masters, neither can we serve both God and mammon (Matthew 6:24).

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Holy Mary, Mother of Sorrows

If you agree that Mary carried Jesus in her womb for nine months and went through labor pains to have him, I do not know of any mother that would not feel a thing while watching her innocent son go through all of these. Whatever our present sorrows in this life may be, let us be consoled that we have a mother who was no stranger to sorrow and reach out for our rosary in asking for her intercession.

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From Shame to Glory

If we are being persecuted, insulted, and denied our rights because we are Christians, one day, our very sufferings shall become our badges of honor in heaven. As we celebrate the exaltation of the cross today, so also shall we be exalted for our faithfulness in carrying our cross.

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Do You Want to Follow Jesus? Then, Carry Your Cross

Forgiveness is one virtue that enables us to resemble Christ more. No matter what others may have done to us, no matter what they may have taken away from us, no matter what privileges they may have denied us, if we do not forgive, we are not yet Christians. We don’t forgive because the person who has offended us deserves it, we forgive because of our Faith in Christ Jesus who was able to forgive the very persons who executed Him on the Cross of Calvary. It does not make sense (humanly speaking) to forgive, but it takes a Christian to forgive. Remember, as Christians, we do not operate according to human wisdom, but Divine Wisdom.

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