While other apostles fled during the Passion of Jesus, John was with Mary at the foot of the cross. John’s presence shows that he was a true friend of Jesus. He was there when Jesus was “nothing”—he was there when Jesus was stripped, disfigured, and hanged on the cross. Only when the chips are down do you get to know your friends. No wonder it was to John that Jesus gave his mother.
Read MoreThe world never accepted Jesus Christ. From the very day he was born, Jesus had enemies – so many people were determined to kill him. They followed him everywhere, looking for loopholes here and there. From Herod, who wiped out children, down to Judas Iscariot, Jesus was always surrounded by enemies. No one has ever been so hated. When your life begins to resemble that of Jesus, people will hate you with equal passion as they hated Jesus.
Read MoreIn Jesus, God has shown his face to mankind. With the birth of Jesus, we can put a face to God. We know that God is not just a figment of imagination but a father whom we can touch. When Philip asked to see the Father, Jesus said: “Have I been with you all this time, Philip, and you still do not know me? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father?’ Do you not believe I am in the Father, and the Father is in me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on my own, but the Father who dwells in me does his works.” (John 14:9-10)
Read MoreThe natural outcome of proper preparation for Christmas following these four steps above is joy. Try it out and see. Prepare a way for Jesus in your heart, cover the valleys, bring down the mountains, and straighten the crooked lines. There is no way you will not be happy. Only a heart that truly receives Christ understands what it means to be happy.
Read MoreWe often ask ourselves, “Where do I start? What impact will I even make?” Jesus came to save the whole world, and He had only thirty-three years to live on earth, thirty of which were spent in preparation. Today, the work Jesus began is still changing lives. The good you begin today, no matter how small, could snowball into something great; it might even outlive you.
Read MoreMany of us claim to trust God, but our actions betray this trust. Actions speak louder than words. If we trust God, our actions will show it. In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus told us: “It is not those who say ‘Lord, Lord’ who will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the person who does the will of my Father in heaven.” If we trust God, we will obey Him. For instance, God says: “Do not steal.” (Seventh Commandment). To obey this commandment and avoid stealing, you must trust that God will provide your needs.
Read MoreAn African proverb says that if a child washes his hands very well, he will be invited to sit at the table and eat with the elders. In other words, if we are humble, regardless of our size and status, we will be granted access to high places. Humility will put people under us, like the child leading the lion, the leopard, the wolf, and the lamb.
Read MoreThe word Advent means “coming.” Who and what is coming? Our Lord Jesus Christ. Now, we celebrate two types of “coming” at Advent: the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh (commemorating the Virgin birth of our Christ) and the second coming of Christ at the end of time. During the season of Advent, we think of the events leading up to the birth of Christ, but we also remind ourselves that Christ will come again and that this whole world will soon end.
Read MoreWhile we celebrated the birth of the baby Jesus on 25 December, we are celebrating today the realisation that God was born in human flesh. Today, we celebrate the realisation of the prophecy of Isaiah as contained in our first reading: “Nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.” (Isaiah 60:3).
Read MoreOur celebration of St. Stephen today reminds us that Christmas is not all about eating and drinking. It is a celebration of the SACRIFICIAL LOVE of God for us. If God so loved us, we must love one another. If God so loved us even when we were His enemies, we must love our enemies and pray for them.
Read MoreChristmas reminds us that amid everything that frightens us, God is still with us. This is the meaning of the name “Emmanuel.” God knows how difficult it is to live a good life or to speak truth to others. Hence, He came to be with us. When your life is threatened, read today’s first reading and try to feel God holding your right hand and leading you on.
Read MoreChristianity as we practice it today needs to die and become born again. This death is concretized in the baptismal promises to which we respond “I do.” I reject Satan. I reject everything that Satan has to offer. I refuse to listen to Satan’s promises. I reject the glamour of evil. I reject any sinful habit. I walk in the light.
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