While Peter represents tradition, authority, and unity, Paul represents grace, mercy, and humanity. St. Paul says today, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” These words underlie the nature of the Christian life. It is both a fight and a race at the same time.
Read MoreAs the children of Israel received the tablet of the Law on Mount Sinai, marking a new dispensation for them – freedom from the captivity of the Egyptians, the coming of the Holy Spirit became the beginning of a new era for God’s children; the birth of the Church and the writing of the Law in our hearts. “A new spirit I will put within you, and I will take out of your flesh the heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes and carefully observe My ordinances.” (Ezekiel 36:26-27)
Read MoreVery often, we complain about our unanswered prayers forgetting that most of the time, God provides the things we need without us asking. These are blessings we take for granted.
Read Morehe principle at work back then was: “When one member suffers, all suffer with him or her.” Does this principle still operate in our churches today? Do we still gather to pray for ourselves? Or have we become too busy to pray? Do we still have faith in the power of prayers?
Read MoreJesus not only humbled himself, but he also taught us the importance of humility by washing the feet of His disciples; a task allotted to slaves in the Jewish culture. “For I have given you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you.” (John 13:15). Let us examine our conscience today. Do I take joy in serving others? Do I feel that I deserve to be worshipped as a result of the position I hold in the church or in civil society?
Read MoreIt is interesting to note that despite turning down their request, James and John did not resign from the company of the twelve apostles. They went all the way, they drank the cup; they spread the message by their lives and by their blood. Do not live your life only for the sake of rewards. Just do what is right and you will find inner peace and happiness.
Read MoreThe difference between clients and friends is this: clients can never be satisfied, they are always grumbling and complaining! But friends would stick with you in good times and in bad times. Clients are ready to end the relationship if service is interrupted and move on but friends value the relationship more than the service. Client-minded Christians worship God for the sake of benefits but Christians who have a personal relationship with God worship Him regardless of benefits. Am I a friend to Jesus?
Read MoreToday we celebrate the ultimate victory of the Apostles for their efforts to keep the faith despite their struggles. Herod arrested Peter intending to bring him to trial so as to publicly make fun of him but that very night he was set free by the Angel of God. Even if he would eventually die for the sake of the Gospel, this very incident is proof that when we suffer for the sake of righteousness, we are never alone.
Read MoreIt is one thing to call a person your friend but a different thing for that person to recognize you as his or her friend. God considers us as His friends but the question is: How many of us relate with God as His true friends? In other words, how many of us are faithful to God’s commandments? How many of us love others as much as God loves us?.
Read MoreThe election of Saint Mathias whose feast we celebrate today teaches us that no matter how good we are, there would always be someone who can take our place. We have been chosen by God but our election does not mean we have become indispensable. The will of God must be done and the work of God has to continue. If you serve in any capacity in God’s house, avoid pride; be good to people, never think that without you, everything will end.
Read MoreOur churches in Africa are packed full not because we are converted Christians but because of the prevailing economic situation of our continent. These souls who ate the loaves and fishes were not believers but spectators. A good number of those who fill up seats in our churches today are just spectators. This explains the stark contradiction between our lives and that of Christ. Should it happen that our continent becomes better economically, this mammoth crowd of spectators will leave and only true Christians will remain.
Read MoreIf it comes to that point when we have to choose who to obey, let us remember Jesus’ words in Matthew 10:28 “Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.”
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