Do not assume your righteousness exempts you from testing. As St. Paul says: “We rejoice in our sufferings (testing, temptations etc.), knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us.” (Romans 5:3-5) Going through a tough time? Remain steadfast. Don’t give in to sin. Don’t give up on God.
Read MoreDo not be pessimistic in life. Believe in God, and let your faith be so big that you only expect positive outcomes in whatever situation you face. Cast away your wrong fears and have a relaxed mind like Jesus sleeping in the boat.
Read MoreAbraham was kind to strangers when he had no reason to be; in return, he received a concrete assurance of God’s promise of a son. Avoid practising selective kindness. Be good to people even though they don’t deserve it. Show hospitality to strangers not in expectation of anything in return, not because they deserve it but because you are a Christian. Show hospitality to strangers; they could be Angels sent from God to test you. (Cf. Hebrew 13:2)
Read MoreWhile the leper believed God could do anything, Abraham fell on his face and laughed when God told him that his wife Sarai would have a child. Abraham thought that God had already done his best with Ishmael. Like Abraham, we sometimes look at our external condition and assume what we have now is the best God can ever do. As long as we believe it, there is no limit to what we can achieve. Never doubt the power of God.
Read MoreIn John 6, Jesus told us: “I am the living bread which came down from heaven; if anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever.” (John 6:51). In this same light, Jesus is saying to us today: “If anyone keeps my word, he will never see death.” (John 8:51).
Read MoreSt. Joseph is a kind of Abraham; he believed the message of the Angel and agreed to be the earthly father of Jesus Christ, this way giving credence to the prophecy of Nathan which we read about in today’s first reading. An offspring from the house of David whose house shall be established forever.
Read MoreThe truth is: We are the brothers and sisters of the rich man. The fact that we are privileged to hear this parable of Jesus means we have been warned. Remember the corporal works of mercy, they would form the basis of our judgment on the last day.
Read MoreIn the Transfiguration event, Jesus opened the eyes of Peter, James, and John and they were able to see His Glory. The transfiguration goes to show that there is more to reality than what meets the ordinary eye. We need faith to see beyond our present circumstances; to get a full picture of where God is leading us.
Read MoreThe disciples of Jesus had every reason to be afraid because they faced a great storm but instead of declaring faith in God, they expected the worst to happen. They were so frightened that they almost forgot God was physically present with them in the boat. The moment they remembered Jesus, He woke up and rebuked the sea. Never forget that God is with you. No matter what you face, call on God first and keep reminding yourself of what God has done in the past. You may not delete fear from your mind completely but you have to allow your faith overpower that negative voice within you. Use your faith to cure your fear.
Read MoreAs Christians we all are called to bless; lift people up; elevate others; to make life better for people. Let it be that whoever comes in contact with you goes back uplifted, smiling, and more hopeful. All rules are aimed at uplifting life not making life more difficult for anyone. In fact, there is only one rule – Do Good.
Read MoreWe ask from God because we are his children and by asking from Him, we also declare to live according to His instructions. Sin destroys our relationship with God. When we pray, we should have full confidence in God. At the same time, our prayer must affect the kind of life we live. If we beg from God, we must not forget there are others begging from us; others who need our charity; others who need our forgiveness; others who need us to intercede for them like Abraham did for Sodom and Gomorrah.
Read MoreThere are countless blessings that come to us from being kind to strangers. Many have lost golden opportunities in life just because they refused to help when they came across people with genuine needs. Our help, however, must not be forced, pretentious, nor come from a bitter heart. The story of Mary and Martha has often been explained in terms of the two types of spirituality (the active versus the contemplative) but beyond that, Jesus used this occasion to highlight the dangers of distraction and anxiety. Only one thing is needed: Seek first the Kingdom of God!
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