Repent: Listen to Lazarus

The rich man did not go to hell because he was rich; neither did Lazarus enter heaven solely based on his poverty. Just as there are many wealthy people in heaven, there are many who died wretched and are in hell. I may be poor materially, but if my heart is corrupt and evil (turned away from God), I cannot enter heaven.

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After the Cross Comes the Crown

Do not be discouraged by the weight of the crosses you carry in your Christian journey. Consider the Transfiguration as an encouragement from above. God is watching you. Moses, Elijah and all the prophets and saints who have walked this path are watching you. We prayed in the Stations of the Cross: “Difficulties remain difficult Lord, but I will not run away from them.” In the words of St. Paul “For I consider the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing to the glory that is to be revealed in us” (Rom 8:18).

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Why Are You Afraid? Have You No Faith?

Life is a classroom, and your fears are the examination scripts. Naturally, we humans love the place of comfort; we would rather skip the exam and remain where we are, but the truth is that if we truly desire to move to the next level, we have to write our exams; that is, we have to face our fears; we must attempt to see what becomes of us when that which we fear happens.

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The Call to Bless

In today’s Gospel passage, we find the height of this wickedness when the Pharisees watched Jesus to see whether or not He would heal a man with a withered hand on a Sabbath day. Jesus asked them, “Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or harm, to save life or kill?” But they were silent. They knew healing this man was not against the Sabbath Law but were too ashamed to admit the truth. Like these Pharisees, we could become blinded by hatred for certain persons and no longer understand the reasons for God’s laws.

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Zacchaeus, Come Down, I Must Stay at Your House Today

In Zacchaeus, we see a “Prodigal Son” whose conscience spoke to him. After hearing about Jesus, he desired to see him, but considering his height, he climbed a tree. The prodigal son knew he no longer deserved to be in his Father’s presence, so he chose to appeal for the position of a slave in his father’s house. Like Zaccheaus, we have all sinned against God, and we have various physical and spiritual defects (such as bad habits we struggle with). However, Jesus wants to see our efforts. What am I doing to make up for my deformities?

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Faith is Refusing to Give Up in Tough Times

Faith will keep you going despite the failures you encounter. Edison believed in his vision, and even when he failed repeatedly, he wouldn’t stop. This is the kind of faith we need in God – a faith that continues to believe regardless of our failures or disappointments. In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus uses the parable of the woman and the unjust judge to teach us the need for persistence in prayer.

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The Devil is Strong, But Jesus is Stronger

The people wanted to see a sign, a show of power, or a display like that of Elijah and the prophets of Baal, but Jesus didn’t put up any show. If you believe, you don’t need to see signs and wonders (proofs); if you don’t believe, a million signs will not convince you. Today’s Gospel passage begins with “Jesus had just cast out a demon.” Was this sign not enough for them?

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The Life That Never Ends

Looking back at your life, has your name contributed positively or negatively to your current circumstances? The fact that God changed his name from Abram (meaning “like a father” or “honorary father”) to Abraham (meaning “father of multitude”) tells us that names are not merely means of identification.

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Cursed is The Man Who Trusts in Man; Earthly Riches

The parable of Lazarus teaches us that one could be ‘helped by God’ and still live in abject poverty. With this parable, Jesus teaches that being poor despite your religiosity does not mean God has failed or that He is powerless. Does it surprise you that Lazarus, who lived in abject poverty (on earth), was sitting at the feet of Abraham in heaven?

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Lent and the Spirit of Sacrifice

Do you think there is anything too much for God? While thinking about this, remember that God did not consider the sacrifice of his only Son, Jesus Christ, too much for us. Reflecting on this, St. Paul, in our second reading today, assures us that if God did not spare His own Son, Jesus Christ, for our sake, then there is absolutely nothing He cannot do for our sake. (Romans 8:31-34).

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Obedience is the Acceptable Sacrifice

Obedience is difficult. It involves doing the will of another rather than yours. Sometimes, God’s instructions may not make sense yet; it is at such moments that our faith is tested. It didn’t make sense to Saul to destroy all those beautiful things he saw in the land of Amalek. Saul did not know it was a test.

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The Danger of Covetousness

To be covetous is to live in a world of “I”, “me”, and “myself”; a world where I care only for one person – me. To be covetous is to be like the rich man in the parable Jesus gave us in today’s Gospel passage, who thought only about himself in his plan to enjoy his riches.

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