Powerful Lessons From Mary’s Visit to Elizabeth

Mary’s visit to Elizabeth lasted for three months. This means she didn’t go there out of disbelief at Angel Gabriel’s message. She didn’t go there to confirm if Angel Gabriel was telling the truth. She went there to serve. Mary had the nature of putting herself in the shoes of those in need and coming to their rescue. This was the same character she displayed at the Wedding Feast at Cana. This is also why many have received countless miracles and favours when they sought her intercession.

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Repent and Return to Your First Love

Like falling in love, the beginning is usually very sweet; you think about the person all day, and you are ready to do anything for them, but as time passes, familiarity creeps in, the fire goes out. Upon conversion to the faith, the Ephesians must have begun many devout practices pleasing to God, but over time, these practices faded away.

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Blessed are Those Who Obey God’s Words

Mary is blessed because she gave birth to Jesus but, more importantly, because she heard God’s word and obeyed it. She gave her fiat (I agree) to God when the Angel Gabriel announced to her that she would be God’s mother. “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” (Luke 1:38). This is the same attitude Jesus expects of us when he said “blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it.”

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The Significance of Mary’s Visit to Elizabeth

Elizabeth did not ask Mary to come over. Upon hearing about Elizabeth's situation, Mary immediately ran to her aid. This quick and selfless response is a testament to Mary’s understanding and empathy. She didn't hesitate to help, just as she did for the couple at the Wedding Feast at Cana.

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John the Baptist and the Rest of Us

Dear friends, if God knows our name before birth, he knew about us when we were formed in our mother’s womb. Abortion is the greatest act of man’s inhumanity to his fellow man. By killing an unborn baby, we deny them the chance to live out God’s plans. No justification exists for taking anyone’s life, even if it is just a day old in the womb.

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