What Happened At the Wedding Feast at Cana?

In the wedding feast at Cana, Jesus revealed his true identity as God, who has power over the whole of creation. By agreeing to turn water into wine at a wedding, Jesus, who (during His temptations) refused to turn stones into bread, teaches us the importance of marriage, his love for us as our Groom, and his respect for Mary, his Mother.

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The Mother of Jesus Was There

Today, we celebrate the fact that Mary intercedes for Africa. When Herod sought to kill the baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph took shelter in Africa. At a time when our continent is faced with turmoil and suffering under the yoke of neo-colonialism, we need Mother Mary’s intercession more than ever.

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The Wedding Banquet Has Begun; Get Dressed.

Why would tenants be bold enough to kill the servants sent to collect their rent? Why would guests turn around to kill the servants sent to remind them of the banquet? These parables highlight injustice and wickedness in people's hearts, yet Jesus is speaking directly to us in them because we are those tenants; we are the guests. This brings us to our lessons for today.

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The Self Revelation of Jesus and Mary’s Power at the Wedding Feast

In the wedding feast at Cana, Jesus revealed his true identity as God who has power over the whole of creation. By agreeing to turn water into wine at a wedding, Jesus, who (during His temptations), refused to turn stones to bread teaches us the importance of marriage, his love for us as our Groom, and his respect for Mary his Mother. Jesus gave the couple the gift of a miracle teaching us to generously offer ourselves as gifts to others.

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