Love Your Enemies; Avoid Scandal and Idolatry

Thank God for your enemies. Always wish them well. Enemies are blessings in disguise; they help to bring out the best in us. Enemies remind us to be careful and prayerful. Enemies serve as road signs, speed bumps, and other safety signals that prevent us from road accidents. Enemies are like hot water that helps to cook the food. Do you wish to get to the top or see your dreams come true? Pray to have enough enemies to challenge you.

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Better Be Wronged Than Bring the Case Before Unbelievers

What did Jesus tell us to do when a brother sins against us? Did he say we should write an article on social media or make a video post condemning the brother? Jesus said: “Meet him alone. If he refuses to listen, take one or two others with you. “If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector.” (Matthew 18:17).

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