The Contents of Your Heart Determine the Quality of Your Life

Jesus wants us to look inwards. To avoid judging and condemning others, we must look at ourselves. Jesus tells us today: “How can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, let me take out the speck in your eye.’ You hypocrite, first take the log out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to take out the speck in your brother's eye.” (Luke 6:42)

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Why Does God Allow Wicked People to Succeed?

Regardless of the magnitude of our sins, God never stops loving us; He never stops believing in our inherent goodness. Like the Father in the story of the Prodigal Son, God never gets tired of waiting for our return. If God were to treat us according to our wickedness, none of us would still be alive. (cf. Psalm 103:10). It is easy to point fingers at others for wickedness. However, the truth is that we would do worse things if we were in their shoes. Before you ask God to kill anyone you consider wicked, why not ask: “Have I killed my wickedness?”

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To Lust is to Commit Adultery in Your Heart

The contents of your mind today mirror what your life will be like tomorrow. To create anything, that thing has to first exist in your mind (imagination); our minds have creative power. We can choose what becomes of us simply by choosing our thoughts.

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Resist the Devil: Say No To Unruly Desires

The devil will never tempt you with something you don’t want. Hence, we cannot completely blame the devil for our fall. For instance, Adam and Eve fell because they wanted to be like God. The devil exploits our desires (whether good or bad) by offering shortcuts.

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Bad Thoughts are worse than Bad Food.

Thoughts are powerful; thoughts defile - if it is happening in your mind, you are already doing it. Jesus taught that anyone who looks lustfully is guilty of adultery. When you think of killing someone, you are guilty of murder. Thoughts are not as harmless as we assume. The fact that no one can ‘see’ your thoughts does not make them okay. Stop feasting on bad thoughts.

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What Treasures Do You Have in Your Heart?

Our actions, like fruits, are the consequences of the tree that grows in us (our thoughts and desires). Do you want your life to produce good fruits? Start by sincerely examining your conscience. To pull out a tree, you must acknowledge its presence. Sometimes, we judge others, yet when faced with the same temptations, we do worse than those we condemn.

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Food, Life and Death

Food is good but not every food is good for you. No matter how hungry you are, ensure that what you are about to eat will not lead to your destruction. Learn to exercise self-discipline and caution. If you want to live a good life, start by selecting your thoughts just as you would select your food. As there are poisonous foods, so there are poisonous thoughts.

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What is Inside You Uplifts or Destroys You

The book of Proverbs says: “Keep your heart with all vigilance; for from it flow the springs of life.” (Proverbs 4:23). Your thoughts are powerful, they determine what becomes of your life. Where your thoughts are now, there you will soon be. Where you are now is where your thoughts were in the past.

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