Keys to Overcoming Temptations

Just as every sin begins with a temptation, the struggle against sin starts with knowing how to deal with temptations. Hence, on this first Sunday of Lent, our Gospel passage narrates how Jesus overcame temptations in the wilderness. In the three temptations of Jesus Christ, we find the three categories of sins which are: “…the lust of the flesh (turning stones to bread), the lust of the eyes (bowing to Satan to gain the riches of the world) and the pride of life (jumping from the pinnacle of the temple to gain the praise and admiration of all)” (1 John 2:16).

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The Enormous Responsibility of Leadership

Do you feel sad about the suffering our leaders meted out on our people? It is time to start building yourself up to take their place. Complaining and insulting leaders on social media and other platforms might not solve the problem. Over the years, many have condemned our leaders openly, only to do worse things when they eventually get into power. You are the hope for our nation. Become the change you desire to see in society.

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Lent and the Battle Against Sin

No matter what your past has been, you can begin anew. Today is your last chance. Today is the day you repent, return and renew your covenant with God. Today is when you examine your conscience and introspect how well you have been living your baptismal commitments.

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Yes, I Will; Be Clean

From a spiritual perspective, we may define leprosy as a sin, given that it is not only deadly but also highly contagious. Hence, Jesus warned: "Temptations to sin are sure to come; but woe to him by whom they come!"

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To Know God is to Flee from Sin

To win any battle, one must approach it with an attitude of victory. That is, we must first tell ourselves it is possible to win; otherwise, we would die of fear even before we receive the first strike. Believe that you can do away with sin. Trust that you can completely overcome your bad habits with God on your side and with continuous efforts. God wants to see your efforts.

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Do Not Lead the Little Ones Astray

Today, Jesus warns that even if I did not sin, I would be punished for leading others into sin. This is serious. It is not enough that I avoid sin; I must go the extra mile to ensure that I am not a source of another person’s downfall.

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Live For Others; Let Your Light Shine

Every sin in society today started with just one person. In the same way, our world would be better if we let our light shine if we play our role as salt of the earth. Just as only a little salt is enough to make food sweet, a handful of good people can transform our society. Be good, not just for your sake, but for others.

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Not by Power but by Grace

By saying that “all have sinned,” St. Paul is not saying we should glory in our sinfulness. He emphasises that we must avoid boasting, feeling superior to others, and looking down on others. “Are we any better off?” St. Paul asks, “No, not at all; for we have already charged that all, both Jews and Greeks, are under the power of sin.” (Romans 3:9).

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The Enormous Responsibility of Leadership

A good leader inspires the best in people but a bad one destroys every atom of morality in them. This is why leaders; especially spiritual leaders will suffer a greater punishment than others if they are bad shepherds. A lot of young people in our society today aspire for leadership but the painful truth is that having been scandalized, they dream of taking up leadership positions not to serve the people, but to amass as much of the commonwealth as possible.

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Keys to Overcoming Temptations

Just as every sin begins with a temptation, the struggle against sin begins with the ability to know how to deal with temptations. Hence, on this first Sunday of Lent, our Gospel passage narrates how Jesus succeeded in overcoming temptations in the wilderness.

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Every Man is His Own Biggest Enemy

Take time every day to examine your conscience and you will become better at fighting temptations. The man who knows his fence is broken will be more alert to armed robbers than the man who goes to sleep without realizing he has no security.

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Do Not Allow Your Heart Be Weighed Down

How can we live above worries and the cares of life? Jesus tells us: “Watch at all times, praying that you may have the strength to escape all these things that will take place.”

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