Bone of My Bones; Flesh of My Flesh

God inspired both creation accounts; they are not journalists’ reports of creation. Far from revealing the details of “how” the world was made, they both seek to tell “why” the world was created. Some questions answered by the second creation account include: “Why are males sexually attracted to females? Why does marriage exist in all human societies? Why does the human family exist? Why do parents have such strong love for their children?”

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Lessons from Solomon’s Downfall

“We learn nothing from success. We learn everything from our failures. No one talks about failure. It is like a shame. Failure is a shame. No one goes, ‘What do we learn from it?’ Meanwhile, with success, everyone shouts about it. There is nothing in success. Success happens after failing hundreds of times.” Ed Sheeran

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Bone of my Bones and flesh of my Flesh

The second account of creation attests to the fact that there is nothing in this world that can satisfy our heart as much as the love we feel for our fellow human beings. Just as Adam was unhappy until he met Eve, the Syrophoenician woman in our Gospel passage was restless so long as her daughter was under the possession of unclean spirits

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