In the wedding feast at Cana, Jesus revealed his true identity as God, who has power over the whole of creation. By agreeing to turn water into wine at a wedding, Jesus, who (during His temptations) refused to turn stones into bread, teaches us the importance of marriage, his love for us as our Groom, and his respect for Mary, his Mother.
Read MoreDon’t give up on God when the going becomes tough. Those fighting you now may just be pushing you to your destined glory. They may even be making things easy for you indirectly.
Read MoreEvery one of us has a special gift. If we do not rightfully employ our gifts for the work of ministry and for the building up of the body of Christ, we would be failing to lead lives worthy of our call. Furthermore, if we decide to employ our gifts for the sole purpose of entertainment or money-making avenues, we would be deviating from God’s plan for us.
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