Those who accused Jesus of casting out demons by the power of Beelzebub did so because they felt Jesus had no power. Some Christians are quick to ascribe misfortunes to the devil but find it difficult to praise God when good things happen. Jesus described the devil as a strong man but made it clear that He is stronger
Read MoreWe cannot hide our real identity from the devil and his agents. We cannot pretend to be mighty Christians when our lives are full of hidden sins. Satan laughs at us when we hide under the shadow of pretence. Human beings need signs and wonders to be displayed to believe, and they can be deceived. Satan does not need any of that. He is capable of recognising a true Christian from that who is not.
Read MoreThe people wanted to see a sign, a show of power, or a display like that of Elijah and the prophets of Baal, but Jesus didn’t put up any show. If you believe, you don’t need to see signs and wonders (proofs); if you don’t believe, a million signs will not convince you. Today’s Gospel passage begins with “Jesus had just cast out a demon.” Was this sign not enough for them?
Read MoreToday’s first reading narrates the great persecution that arose against the church following the death of Stephen. This persecution, though distant in time, echoes the challenges we face in our own lives. During his stoning, the witnesses laid their garments at the feet of a young man named Saul, who became determined to wipe out the entire church. However, this reading concludes on a positive note: “So there was much joy in that city.” (Acts 8:8).
Read MoreNoah preached repentance for one hundred years; only his immediate family agreed to enter the Ark, but Jonah preached for three days, and he succeeded in bringing a whole nation to its knees. What was special about Jonah’s preaching, and why was it extremely effective?
Read MoreBeyond serving meals, Stephen also did great wonders and signs among the people. (Acts 6:8). This did not go down well with some persons who felt that Stephen was doing too much. Out of envy, they sought to bring Stephen down. Whether we like it or not, there are persons like this in the church. They don’t believe anyone other than them should shine.
Read MoreIf you were told that you have only forty days left to live, how would you spend your last forty days? Wouldn’t you seek to make amends? Wouldn’t you seek reconciliation with God? As we hear in the Stations of the Cross, “those you love will part from you, you too will die one day, a day you do not know, are you prepared for it?”
Read MoreChild of God, you do not need the display of signs and wonders to believe. Place your complete trust in Jesus and not in any man or woman of God. If truly you believe that your prayers would be answered, God who sees your heart will reward your faith and grant what you ask.
Read MoreImagine you have only forty days left to live on earth? How would you spend your last forty days? Wouldn’t you rather seek reconciliation with God?
Read MoreDear friend, come back to God today. He will not only give you another chance, He would make you His shining star. There is just no limit to what God can accomplish through you.
Read MoreThe lesson we learn from this episode is simple: “We do not need signs to believe (otherwise God would have to prove Himself over and over again) but once we believe, we would begin to see great signs and wonders.
Read MoreIsn’t it high time we cleansed our temples from profit-making enterprises? Isn’t it high time we cleansed our hearts from the love of money which hides under the false pretext of serving God? Isn’t it high time we stopped flocking around self-acclaimed miracle workers as if we need Jesus to constantly prove himself to us over and over again?
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