Jonah did not work miracles. Like the crowd in our Gospel passage, many Christians today have reduced their worship of God to a quest for miracles. Jesus referred to such persons as an “evil generation.” Those looking for miracles are only interested in “using” God. Should they get the miracles they seek, it never translates to repentance.
Read MoreMany Christians claim to be born again (baptised) but lack an encounter with God. They live recklessly because they have only heard about God but have never had an experience (like that which brought St. Paul to his knees on the way to Damascus). Pray to have an experience of God that would show you that God is not just a figment of imagination.
Read MoreDo not let the sun set on your quarrel. Jesus tells us: “As you go with your accuser before the magistrate, make an effort to settle with him on the way, lest he drags you to the judge, and the judge hand you over to the officer, and the officer put you in prison.” (Luke 12:58). The earlier you forgive and settle the case, the better. St. Paul writes: “Be angry but do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger.” (Ephesians 4:26). The best time to quench a fire is when there is only a spark. The more it burns, the more difficult it becomes to quench.
Read MoreEven though Jesus did not work any miracle, he promised them the greatest miracle of all time – the sign of Jonah. Jesus died on the Cross of Calvary, and on the third day, He rose again. This is the miracle of all miracles, the greatest sign that God took our human nature and lived among us. Anyone still doubting if Jesus is God is on their own.
Read MoreMiracles are not things we should glory in; they are signs pointing to deeper realities. Upon seeing the great fish catch, Peter immediately descended on his knees before Jesus, saying: “Go away from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man!” (Luke 5:8). No one likes to be used and dumped, but this is exactly what we do to God when we seek His blessings and refuse to obey His words.
Read MoreThe only sign we need is the Cross. Have you ever wondered why the Crucifix is boldly displayed in the middle of all Catholic Churches? This is what we preach – Christ crucified.
Read MoreIt is believed that Mark was among the Seventy that Jesus sent out two by two to go into the surrounding countries in Luke 10: 1-20. And as Luke narrates, the seventy came back rejoicing and declaring how the evil spirits obeyed their bidding. This is the same reality that Mark tries to convey in the concluding part of his Gospel passage which we read today. “And they went forth and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by signs that attended it.” (Mark 16:20)
Read MoreJesus did not perform a sign there and then for this crowd because that would be vain glory. As a minister, do I perform miracles or give testimonies to exult myself or for the genuine good of the people?
Read MoreWhen we receive miracles, we are happy but when we repent from sin, God is happy. If after receiving miracles, we fail to repent from our sinfulness, God is not happy with us. God would never stop loving us but if we seek happiness from God, let us also behave in a way that would make God happy with us.
Read MoreChild of God, you do not need the display of signs and wonders to believe. Place your complete trust in Jesus and not in any man or woman of God. If truly you believe that your prayers would be answered, God who sees your heart will reward your faith and grant what you ask.
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