Why is it difficult to invite poor people to our celebrations? Why is it difficult to give a helping hand to people who may never help us in the future? Christianity is not about living a normal life; it is about being a “super-human” - helping people who cannot or will not help you when you need them.
Read MoreIs my desire for God greater than my desire for material riches and luxuries? Haven’t I made a god of my possessions? In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus says: “Everyone who has left their houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields, for my name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold, and will inherit eternal life.” (Matthew 19:29). Entering Heaven will be hard for anyone who worships their wealth.
Read MoreOur first reading today is a reminder to us that the greatest of all of God’s commandments is to love our neighbours as ourselves. Love cancels our selfishness. Love melts our hearts to live not just for ourselves but for others. Love opens our eyes to see the sufferings of others and touches our heart to offer solutions.
Read MoreInstead of complaining about not having this or that, instead of saying you don’t have as much as you desire, why not open your eyes to the even worse conditions of many around you? Why not remind yourself that soon enough, you would have to relinquish everything you are working and praying hard now to get.
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