Look Up, Raise Your Head; Your Redemption is Drawing Near

The word Advent means “coming.” Who and what is coming? Our Lord Jesus Christ. Now, we celebrate two types of “coming” at Advent: the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh (commemorating the Virgin birth of our Christ) and the second coming of Christ at the end of time. During the season of Advent, we think of the events leading up to the birth of Christ, but we also remind ourselves that Christ will come again and that this whole world will soon end.

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Look Up, Raise Your Head; Your Redemption is Drawing Near.

If we observe our Advent properly, our joy on Christmas day would not simply be about the fact that Jesus was born, our joy would be that we have been able to conquer certain bad habits and sinful behaviors in our lives.

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Be on Guard. Christ is Coming Soon.

Just as we are preparing for a spiritual renewal this Christmas, the devil and his agents are seriously planning and strategizing how to pull our society into more and more sinfulness. For instance, watch out for the kind of dress style you would soon begin to see around, watch out for kind of entertainment and shows that would be organized this period. It is not ordinary, it is a spiritual battle for your soul.

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Behold, I am Coming Soon

I have heard many people make statements like: “Are we going to celebrate Christmas this year?” Now, the bottom line of this question is the fact that going by the situation of things this year, there might not be as much money as before to spend. Maybe we have forgotten the true spirit and purpose of Christmas.

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Use Your Talents for God’s Kingdom.

An idle mind coupled with an absence of work is the devil’s workshop. Jesus will come again but while we expect Him, we must not forget that He wants to find us busy when He comes. Do you realize that even while Jesus was alive, people were already expecting the world to end? Our focus should be on how we must use the talents, gifts and opportunities available to us.

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