You Are Well Now; Sin No More

Jesus warned the man who had been cured to avoid sin so that nothing worse would happen to him. What else could be worse than suffering for thirty-eight years? What else could be worse than spending half of your lifespan in pain, discomfort, and misery? This is exactly what sin does to us.

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Our Bodies Are God’s Temples

Jesus did not only prove that He is God, He also taught us that our bodies are temples. If a water of blessing issues from God’s sanctuary (as Ezekiel describes) and I am a temple of God, what kind of water issues from my sanctuary? Am I a blessing to the world? Have I abused my temple as the chief priests did to the Jerusalem temple?

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Fear God; Respect what is Dedicated to Him

Belshazzar knew what those vessels were meant for but he was trying to challenge the existence of God and he got what he deserved. Let us examine our hearts: Do I respect sacred vessels, linens, books, and other items used for liturgical worship? Do I even treat the church as God’s house?

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