It Is Time To Rise And Return To God

The prodigal son, now suffering from an inferiority complex due to sinfulness, wanted to be employed as a hired hand in his father’s house. He never imagined he could be forgiven. However, the father did something humans would rarely do; he forgave the son and restored his former dignity. The father saw him as one who had returned from the dead. This is how God treats us when we repent.

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Repentance is Either Now or Never

Jonah did not work miracles. Like the crowd in our Gospel passage, many Christians today have reduced their worship of God to a quest for miracles. Jesus referred to such persons as an “evil generation.” Those looking for miracles are only interested in “using” God. Should they get the miracles they seek, it never translates to repentance.

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The Fasting That God Desires

Beyond refraining from pointing accusing fingers at others, the season of Lent offers us ample opportunity to pray for the conversion of sinners. Let us become like Jesus to the Levi’s in our world today. Don’t stop condemning evil, but go beyond pointing fingers; show love to sinners, reach out to them, and lead them out of darkness to God’s marvellous light. This is the fasting that God desires.

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The Second Chance

Many Christians claim to be born again (baptised) but lack an encounter with God. They live recklessly because they have only heard about God but have never had an experience (like that which brought St. Paul to his knees on the way to Damascus). Pray to have an experience of God that would show you that God is not just a figment of imagination.

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Make God Happy; Bring Back the Lost

Rather than withdraw from God’s presence because your conscience disturbs you, remember that God is more interested in healing your wounds (sin wounds us) than punishing you. There will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.

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We are Chosen for Holiness, Destined for Heaven

Jesus is unhappy with the Pharisees and lawyers because instead of leading people to God, they did the opposite. Jesus’ stern condemnation of these religious leaders calls for a serious examination of conscience on our part. Am I a light for the world or just part of the darkness? Is my life inspiring people to do good or to do evil? Am I a good leader?

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Do Not Make God Sad

Miracles are not things we should glory in; they are signs pointing to deeper realities. Upon seeing the great fish catch, Peter immediately descended on his knees before Jesus, saying: “Go away from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man!” (Luke 5:8). No one likes to be used and dumped, but this is exactly what we do to God when we seek His blessings and refuse to obey His words.

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I Did Not Come to Call the Righteous but Sinners

We all possess some inherent goodness. Even as a Tax Collector, Matthew had unique gifts for the ministry. One problem Christians often face is competing with one another rather than collaborating to build up God’s kingdom on earth. God has blessed us with various gifts to let our light shine so that “men may see our good works and give glory to your Father in heaven” (cf. Matthew 5:16). God has not blessed us to outshine one another.

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Her Many Sins Are Forgiven for She Loved Much

This woman shed tears because she regretted her past life (she had a bad reputation). This is the correct attitude we must have when we confess our sins in the Sacrament of Penance. This woman did not speak but used her tears to confess her sins. She was truly sorry, and in the end, she was forgiven for her sins.

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To Be Perfect, Give to The Poor

Try to put yourself in this young man’s shoes and allow the words of Jesus to resound again in your ears: “If you want to be perfect, go and sell what you possess and give to the poor.” Are you going to walk away? Will you bluff over this message and go about your normal day-to-day activities? Or will you take an excursion to your wardrobe and bring out clothes you no longer need so that you can clothe some poor people who cannot afford such?

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When the Truth Hurts

When we are guilty, the truth sounds like an insult or a personal attack. This happens because God’s Word is alive. It is sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing until it divides soul from spirit, joints from marrow; it can judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Truth, like medicine, is bitter, but it brings healing. Instead of fighting it, accept its bitterness, and it will set you free (cf. John 8:32)

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It’s Time to Repent

If the people who lived in Chorazin in the time of Jesus were to visit the world today, what would they say about our latest technology? We are living in an age of miracles. We have too many signs and wonders to show that God truly loves us, but we take them for granted. How do we show appreciation to God for His uncountable blessings? Disbelief, ingratitude, greed and disobedience to God’s commands.

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