We are Copies of God, the Creator

Having been created in God’s image and likeness, only God knows how best we ought to live. Hence, He gave us the manual of life, the commandments. These instructions are not restrictions on our freedom but the key to enjoying life to the fullest. We must, therefore, trust God and follow his commandments rather than mere human traditions. God cannot be deceived; He knows when we pay lip service to His commandments.

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You Are a Lamp; You Cannot Hide

To be clean of hands and pure of heart means that you do not have any skeletons in your wardrobe. Being clean of hands and pure in heart means you have nothing to hide. By the way, we live in a world where it has become impossible to hide anything. With our latest technological gadgets and devices, one’s entire life history can be dug up in a minute. Jesus tells us in today’s Gospel passage: “For nothing is hidden, except to be made manifest; nor is anything secret, except to come to light.”

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Don’t Give Up: There is a Reward for Goodness

Consider yourself blest when you suffer injustice for God’s sake, when people insult you and maltreat you for choosing to stand by what is right, God is on your side. Do you remember Joseph? When he was tempted by Potiphar’s wife and refused to give in to her sexual advances, it seemed as though his world had ended. There is always a bitter price to pay for goodness. However, in the midst of all that may come your way, bear in mind that God never sleeps. The same Joseph that was so unfairly treated would eventually become Prime Minister of Egypt.

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Be Careful: Nothing Remains Hidden Forever

Before you act, think! Think not only about the immediate result but think also of years to come. Live your life in such a way that when all your secret deeds and hidden facts come to light, you will be so proud of yourself.

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