When the truth hits us hard, we immediately resist it because it opposes what we are used to; it challenges our pride and sense of security. Like the audience in today’s Gospel passage, we may assume we are being insulted if we don’t reflect on it. Avoid praise singers; they are like that rat that blows air on its victim before feasting on its flesh.
Read MoreAs far back as the book of Numbers, Balaam had already prophesied about Jesus Christ. “I see him, but not now; I behold him, but not nigh: a star shall come forth out of Jacob, and a sceptre shall rise out of Israel; it shall crush the forehead of Moab and break down all the sons of Sheth.” (Numbers 24:17)
Read MoreToday’s first reading pays a glowing tribute to Elijah. Not many people have such beautiful tributes. I once read a quote: “Live a good life so that no one will be forced to lie about you during your funeral.” Like John the Baptist, we are all called to become Elijah today.
Read MoreTelling lies is very bad. Telling lies in God’s name is even worse. This is because when you claim to have received a message from God, and it turns out that the message was false, you make God look like a liar. For this, Hananiah died that year. Many so-called men of God “prophesied” great and wonderful things about this country on New Year’s Day. How many of such prophecies happened? Either they did not hear well when God spoke, or they did not hear from God
Read MoreWhen we are guilty, the truth sounds like an insult or a personal attack. This happens because God’s Word is alive. It is sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing until it divides soul from spirit, joints from marrow; it can judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Truth, like medicine, is bitter, but it brings healing. Instead of fighting it, accept its bitterness, and it will set you free (cf. John 8:32)
Read MoreRegardless of the magnitude of our sins, God never stops loving us; He never stops believing in our inherent goodness. Like the Father in the story of the Prodigal Son, God never gets tired of waiting for our return. If God were to treat us according to our wickedness, none of us would still be alive. (cf. Psalm 103:10). It is easy to point fingers at others for wickedness. However, the truth is that we would do worse things if we were in their shoes. Before you ask God to kill anyone you consider wicked, why not ask: “Have I killed my wickedness?”
Read MoreFalse prophets are like the weeds sown among the wheat; it is difficult to tell the difference, and in an attempt to pull out the weeds, one may also pull out the wheat. By saying, “Beware of false prophets,” Jesus wants us to be on guard and to exercise discernment. It is not all that glitters that is gold. On the last day, many would come before God, claiming to have worked miracles in His name, and He would say: “I do not know where you come from; depart from me, all you workers of iniquity!” (Luke 13:27).
Read MoreForgiveness is only sweet when you are the one in need of it. It never ceases to amaze me how I expect others to tolerate, understand, and forgive me when I sin, yet I am mad at people who tolerate, put up with, and forgive others. Why am I angry with someone for forgiving, yet if I were the one being forgiven, I would not be angry?
Read MoreGod has truly visited his people. This is the meaning of the name “Emmanuel.” God is with us. There is no problem or difficulty worth taking your life. Present the matter to God in prayer and be sure that Jesus, who raised the dead, will make a way where there seems to be no way.
Read MoreWe are not celebrating Mary’s birthday because God chose her. We are celebrating her birthday today because she accepted God’s plan for her life. She said “Yes” to God. Like Mary, God will do great things in you and for you if only you would say “Yes” to Him; if only you would walk according to His Commands and obey His Words.
Read MoreDo I look down on my priest because I knew him as a seminarian? Do I find it difficult to ask my priest to pray for me because I don’t believe God can work through him? Like those who looked down on Jesus, you may assume you know everything about your priest, but you might be wrong. Don’t forget that God is not like us. God chooses the weak to shame the strong.
Read MoreThe Eighth Commandment forbids bearing false witness against others. Even more, the scriptures say: “Touch not my anointed ones, do my prophets no harm!” (1 Chronicles 16:22). We respect our spiritual leaders not because of who they are but because of the office they occupy.
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