Saints are not extraordinary people but ordinary people who live extraordinary lives by loving God and their neighbours as themselves. Blessed Tansi did not write an application letter to be beatified. The testimony of those who met him made the church recognise him. What will people say about you when you die?
Read MoreRegardless of your age or achievements, remember you are an infant; have a childlike attitude towards God. In today’s Gospel passage, we see how Bartimaeus successfully received his eyesight because he approached Jesus like a child who did not stop begging until he got the needed attention. It is not in our place to issue commands to God.
Read MoreJesus wants us to understand that He is not simply a shepherd who answers our questions, He is the very answer to all that bothers us. Jesus is teaching us today that He is not just a shepherd who protects us from danger, He is also the very life that sustains our existence.
Read MoreJesus has given us His own flesh and blood, it is because He knows that as our bodies need food to survive, our souls also need the Eucharist to survive. The more we strive to receive Jesus in the Eucharist, the more we strive to live a sinless life and the more we receive Jesus, the more we become strengthened with more grace and power to be holier Christians. Do not stay away from communion, it is your ticket to eternal life.
Read MoreJesus is the new wine. He is our Great High Priest. He is the Priest par excellence. The priesthood of today is modelled after Jesus’ priesthood, not after the priesthood of the Old Testament. Let us pray for our priests that their life and ministry may truly incarnate Jesus in our world today.
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