Food, Life and Death

Jesus teaches us that God is not so much offended by our failure to wash our hands before eating as He is by the thoughts we carry in our hearts. If we eat with dirty hands, we might fall sick (or even die because of germs), but this is not as bad as suffering eternal damnation in hellfire as a result of the dirt we have inside our hearts.

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Food, Life and Death

Food is good but not every food is good for you. No matter how hungry you are, ensure that what you are about to eat will not lead to your destruction. Learn to exercise self-discipline and caution. If you want to live a good life, start by selecting your thoughts just as you would select your food. As there are poisonous foods, so there are poisonous thoughts.

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The Poison of Hatred

Hatred is deadly. The feeling of hatred makes you blind to the good in others. Hatred makes you criticize everything in everybody. Hatred takes away your happiness. The scribes and Pharisees could not rejoice at the healing of the man with a withered hand instead they started plotting to kill Jesus. Hatred literally turns us into little devils.

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