Lessons From the Beheading of John the Baptist

Herod was not thinking straight when he promised even half his kingdom to a little girl. What if she had asked for his head? Think before you speak. Be a master of your emotions. In moments of anger, hold it. In moments of excitement, hold it also. Learn the habit of speaking to God and hearing from him before talking.

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The Anatomy of Godly Perfection

Godly perfection is doing what is right even though it appears unnecessary. According to street morality, Godly perfection is “doing too much” - that which is good but most people will not consider. For instance, would you obey the traffic light while driving home at 2 am, and it appears you are the only one on the road?

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Celebrating Saint Thomas, the Apostle

Very often, we tend to think of the Saints as extraordinary human beings or larger-than-life figures. We see them as the people who did the impossible or attained the unattainable. Saints are imperfect creatures who refuse to allow their weaknesses to prevent them from pressing forward on the journey to heaven.

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Created for Perfection

In straightforward terms, Jesus defines perfection as the ability to love our enemies and treat those who persecute us with kindness. To be perfect is to be like God, who lets His rain fall on both good and evil. To be perfect is to love your enemies and pray for them like Jesus Christ on the Cross, who asked for forgiveness from those who hung Him. Indeed, this is not something easy, but it is the essence of perfection.

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Trust in God, Not Your Riches

Today, we celebrate the memorial of Mary, the mother of the Church. Having completed the seven weeks of Easter, today is a day for us to pause a while and remember the unique role of Mary in the course of the whole Easter festivities and, in particular, to examine the total weight of the words Jesus spoke at the foot of the cross: “Behold, Your Mother.”

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To be Perfect, Love your Enemies

Can you change your feelings toward your enemies? What if you decide no longer to talk about them in a negative light? What if decide to remember only those good things they did to you and not the painful ones? What if you start praying for their conversion and deliverance rather than for God to destroy them?

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Love of Enemies, Forgiveness and Kindness: Hallmarks of Christian Perfection

Christian perfection is operating not by the standards of the world but by the standards of God. St. Paul says the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. Again, to remind us of what Jesus taught us two Sundays ago, as Christians, we are the salt and the light of the world. We are meant to show good examples rather than copy that which is popular.

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Choose Life: Aim for Perfection - Don’t Just Be an Average Christian

Striving for Christian perfection surely sounds like foolishness to the world. The world we live in today has lost its moral values. Saying the truth at all times, refusing to tell a lie, staying away from sex before marriage, remaining faithful to your spouse even in tough times, keeping one’s heart pure, forgiving others freely and continuously, and staying away from secret sins may not command the respect of people but these are the characteristics of truly wise people.

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You Lack One Thing

Given that he was not willing to give away his possessions, the young man walked away from Jesus sad. Do not make a god of your possessions. We brought nothing into this world and when we die, we cannot take anything with us. What shall it profit you to gain the world but lose your soul? Help the poor. Learn to give things away.

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Created for Perfection

You may be a miracle worker, you have the ability to raise the dead to life and speak in all the languages of the world but so long as you cannot love your enemies and your heart is so full of hatred for certain persons, you are not perfect.

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