Jesus cured a demoniac, but in the process, the villagers lost their entire herd of swine. Instead of thanking God that a man had been set free from demonic possession, they mourned over their pigs. Fearing that there might be other demons in the town, they begged Jesus to leave their town. We behave like these people when we push God away instead of counting our blessings. Life is not all about money.
Read MoreWe all experience transfiguration now and then – moments of excitement, discovery, or joy. Sometimes, we may experience ecstasy while in prayer; we may even see a vision or receive an apparition of Jesus or the Saints. These things come and go. They are highlights of our journey, not destinations in themselves. We can never make them permanent. Do not be a miracle-seeking Christian. God is with us even in the most ordinary events of life.
Read MoreFaith is praying to God for item A and getting item B (the opposite), yet you still find the courage to say “Thank you, God.” Jesus cured a demoniac but in the process, the villagers lost their entire herd of swine. The size of their economic loss was too huge to notice that a man had been set free from demon possession. All they could see was the loss of their source of livelihood. So they begged Jesus to go away.
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