What Have You Left Behind?

What have you left behind to follow Jesus? In other words, what is the cost of your discipleship? What do you have to let go to remain a Christian? If truly you have not left anything behind, it means your faith is a matter of convenience. The danger in this is that you could easily fall away in moments of trials. This explains why some Christians move from one “solution house” to another, not minding if they partake in idol worship. Christianity is not only about what we stand to gain from God; it is about carrying our crosses and following Jesus’ footsteps.

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Are you a Brother or Sister to Jesus?

Let us ask ourselves: “Am I one of Jesus’ brothers and sisters? Or am I a devil-worshipper who just happens to go to church?” The prophet Micah describes God as an ever-merciful father who does not retain His anger but delights in steadfast love. He treads our iniquities under foot and casts our sins into the depths of the sea. This is what happens to us when we repent. If today, you hear God’s word, know that there is no sin that He cannot forgive. Take advantage of the fact that you are still alive at this moment and return to God. Don’t wait till tomorrow.

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A Servant is Not Greater Than His Master

A servant can never be greater than the Master. Let us shun every form of pride. Let us avoid taking the glory during “testimony time.” It is God who has done it, we only joined the person to pray, we are not the cause of the miracle and we dare not boast about it. Jesus says: “So you also, when you have done all that is commanded you, say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have only done what was our duty.’” (Luke 17:10).

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