Give a million dollars to a fool; they will be poor in one year. Give one dollar to a wise person, and they could earn a million dollars in one year. Wisdom is life. The book of Sirach says: “Whoever holds her fast will obtain glory… He who obeys her will judge the nations, and whoever gives heed to her will dwell securely.” Wisdom goes beyond gathering academic degrees, certificates or skills. Wisdom is not being deceptive; telling lies is foolishness. The wisdom that brings life is putting God first and living according to His commandments.
Read MoreYou cannot have the Holy Spirit in you and still tell lies. This is because telling lies is not one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. Never trust anyone who tells lies; they don’t know God. If someone knows the truth and decides to twist it, that person can easily work for the devil.
Read MoreThose who accused Jesus of casting out demons by the power of Beelzebub believed in Beelzebub’s power. Some Christians are quick to ascribe misfortunes to the devil’s power but find it very hard to believe that God is capable of protecting them or granting their prayers.
Read MoreThe Athenians did not accept Paul because they couldn’t face the truth. They acknowledged their ignorance by making an Altar with the inscription: “To an unknown god,” but when Paul tried to clear their ignorance, they resisted him. Truly, there are some people who know they are ignorant yet they remain satisfied in their ignorance
Read MoreBeyond serving meals, Stephen also did great wonders and signs among the people. (Acts 6:8). This did not go down well with some persons who felt that Stephen was doing too much. Out of envy, they sought to bring Stephen down. Whether we like it or not, there are persons like this in the church. They don’t believe anyone other than them should shine.
Read MoreLies are destructive. Every time we tell a lie, we are taking sides with the devil whose very nature is that of telling lies. No amount of money is worth selling our lips or selling our conscience. No amount of lies can bury the truth. If we continue telling lies, it means we are refusing to rise from the grave with Jesus.
Read MoreWe fall too easily into the lie trap because we do not realize the seriousness of the existence of lies in our lives. No wonder the popular saying goes: “Say the truth and shame the devil.” Telling lies glorifies the devil. Spreading falsehood deliberately just to incite others or achieve mundane objectives is plainly assisting the devil in his work as a destroyer. Jesus tells us: “He (the Holy Spirit) will glorify Me, for he will take what is mine and declare it you.” (John 16:14). Anyone who lies lacks the Spirit of Truth – the Holy Spirit.
Read MoreWhen you know the truth and choose to remain silent all because you do not wish to offend anyone, you have taken sides with the one who told a lie; you have taken sides with the devil. Of course, what is the essence of our resurrection in Christ if we decide to keep quiet about it?
Read MoreIndeed, it is impossible to have the Holy Spirit in you (the Spirit of Truth) and still remain adamant in telling of lies. Once you tell a lie, the Holy Spirit speaking through your conscience will not let you rest. That is if you still have the Holy Spirit in you.
Read MoreAlways say the truth to shame the devil. Never allow evil to fester in your heart. Keep your mind pure from all lustful desires and immoral thoughts. Even if there is no one to defend you, God, who is your true shepherd will not forsake you.
Read MoreWe may claim to be Christians, we may even hold high positions in the Church but with falsehood still reigning in our lives, we are actually acting against Christ and scattering the flock of God’s kingdom.
Read MoreIn giving an offering, we are not increasing God’s wealth but showing our love for Him. In one of the prefaces for Mass, we say: “Our prayer of thanksgiving adds nothing to your greatness but profits us for salvation.” That is to say, no matter how big our offering may be, it does not add to God and if we decide not to give, it does not reduce God.
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