We Have Seen His Star and have come to Worship Him

Today’s feast is like a second Christmas, but slightly different. While we celebrated the birth of the baby Jesus on the 25th of December, we are celebrating today the realisation that God was born in human flesh. Today, we celebrate the fulfilment of the prophecy of Isaiah as contained in our first reading: “Nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.” (Isaiah 60:3).

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Worshipping Christ as Our King

In today’s first reading, Daniel declared: “To him was given dominion and glory and kingship, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that shall not pass away, and his kingship shall never be destroyed.” (Daniel 7:14). The dominion of Jesus can never pass away, and no one can destroy His kingdom. As we hear in today’s second reading, Jesus is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.

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All Flesh Is Grass; Serve One Another in Humility

Do not envy anyone because of the position they occupy because, in the end, all flesh is grass. The king and the servant have the same fate. On the other hand, do not base your worth on your position; you don’t have to lord it over anybody to feel respected.

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The Baby Jesus and the Holy Innocents

We behave like Herod when we don’t let others shine. Whenever we hold on to power, even to the detriment of others, we act like Herod. We may condemn Herod’s action, but when we examine our conscience, we realize we have done worse than Herod in the past. How often have I felt so threatened by the success of others to the extent of doing all in my power to pull them down, get them out of the way, or even eliminate them?

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A King Whose Reign Lasts Forever

Daniel’s vision can be likened to a blind man trying to describe an elephant by touching one part of its body. God is beyond scientific observation or explanation. God is Father, Son, and Spirit. God is Love. Don’t try to intellectualise God, worship Him.

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Jesus Christ, Our Shepherd, Priest and King

Today’s first reading describes Jesus as the shepherd who seeks out His sheep. The Psalmist sings of Jesus as the shepherd who provides our needs. The second reading hints at Jesus as the priest who sacrificed Himself for our sake. Finally, our Gospel passage depicts Jesus as the King who reigns over, before whom we shall be judged at the end of the world.

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We Have Seen His Star and have come to Worship Him

The wise men brought Jesus gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. This is Epiphany; a revelation of the identity of Jesus as KING, PRIEST AND SAVIOUR of the world. Jesus had not even started to talk or walk when this happened yet it is clear to the whole world that He is God in human flesh. He rules as King with gold, He sanctifies as a Priest with incense (which we still use today at mass) and as Saviour of mankind, Jesus’ body would be preserved with myrrh when he offers his life for our salvation.

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Celebrating Jesus Christ, the King of the Universe

Today, we move around our streets shamelessly singing and dancing, rubbing ourselves on the ground in exultation of Christ but what happens when we return home? Do you allow Christ to reign in your living rooms, in your business place, in your sense of fashion, in your daily interactions with others?

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Why do You Think Evil in Your Hearts?

Jesus’ question to the Scribes and Pharisees is one that deserves some pondering. Jesus did not ask, “Why are you thinking I can’t forgive sins?” Instead, he asked: “Why do you think evil in your hearts?” Lack of Faith in God is itself a great evil we must tackle in our lives. To underestimate God or to belittle God’s power and authority is just as bad as any sin we can think of.

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A King Whose Reign Lasts Forever

God is a king that can never be destroyed. He is greater than anything we can ever imagine or think of. He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning, and the end the one who made us and sustains our life. As Jesus assures us today, “Heaven and earth may pass away but my words will not pass away.”

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Before God, We are all Equal.

Like the workers who were recruited for work in the vineyard at different times of the day, we are not all gifted the same way, we were not all born the same day, and we did not come to know God the same day. However, in the end, we all shall be rewarded not according to how much work we have done but according to what is rightfully our due.

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