Repentance is Either Now or Never

Jonah did not work miracles. Like the crowd in our Gospel passage, many Christians today have reduced their worship of God to a quest for miracles. Jesus referred to such persons as an “evil generation.” Those looking for miracles are only interested in “using” God. Should they get the miracles they seek, it never translates to repentance.

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Silence Refines Our Hearts

Zachariah was given a writing tablet to name his child. His relatives wanted him to name the child Zechariah. However, his silence helped him remember the Angel’s words: “Do not be afraid, Zechariah, for your prayer, has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you will name him John. You will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth.” (Luke 1:13-14).

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Behold, Something Greater Than Jonah is Here

Even though Jesus did not work any miracle, he promised them the greatest miracle of all time – the sign of Jonah. Jesus died on the Cross of Calvary, and on the third day, He rose again. This is the miracle of all miracles, the greatest sign that God took our human nature and lived among us. Anyone still doubting if Jesus is God is on their own.

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Am I Doing What God Wants?

We often dismiss events as coincidence due to our inability to read the handwriting of God in our lives. It wasn’t just a coincidence; God used this experience to remind Peter that he had been ordained to catch men and no longer to catch fish.

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Repentance is Either Now or Never

Noah preached repentance for one hundred years; only his immediate family agreed to enter the Ark, but Jonah preached for three days, and he succeeded in bringing a whole nation to its knees. What was special about Jonah’s preaching, and why was it extremely effective?

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Now is the Time to Repent

Jesus says: “Follow Me.” Follow me, and I will take care of you; follow me, and I will make you fishers of men; follow me, and I will take you to a higher level of prosperity and success; follow you, and I will give you true peace. Follow me, and your life will never remain the same again.

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It is Evil to Test God

The crowd asked Jesus for a sign, but Jesus called them an evil generation. Why? It is evil to put God to the test. It is evil to ask God to prove Himself. If you trust God, you will not demand for signs. Jesus said: “For as Jonah became a sign to the men of Nineveh, so will the Son of man be to this generation.” (Luke 11:29-30). The death and resurrection of Jesus is the ultimate miracle. If this sign does not convince you, nothing else can convince us.

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Forgiveness Is Wisdom

Forgiveness is only sweet when you are the one in need of it. It never ceases to amaze me how I expect others to tolerate, understand, and forgive me when I sin, yet I am mad at people who tolerate, put up with, and forgive others. Why am I angry with someone for forgiving, yet if I were the one being forgiven, I would not be angry?

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Repentance Moves God

You might ask: “Why can’t I sit in my room and beg for God’s forgiveness?” If we want to deal with sin, we must be willing to talk about it to others. The people of Nineveh did not sit in their rooms to ask for God’s forgiveness. They publicly humiliated themselves and proclaimed a fast from the greatest to the least.

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The Danger of Being ALONE

Jonah’s experience, how his ship almost sank, and how he had to spend three days inside the belly of a great fish is a classic example of what we suffer when we live only for ourselves! In the Gospel passage, Jesus teaches us to be kind and generous to everyone regardless of who they are. He offers us a universal definition of neighbour that is not restricted by race, colour, religion, or physical borders.

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The Sign of Jonah and the Forty Days of Lent

If you were told that you have only forty days left to live, how would you spend your last forty days? Wouldn’t you seek to make amends? Wouldn’t you seek reconciliation with God? As we hear in the Stations of the Cross, “those you love will part from you, you too will die one day, a day you do not know, are you prepared for it?”

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Behold, Something Greater Than Jonah is Here

Jesus did not perform a sign there and then for this crowd because that would be vain glory. As a minister, do I perform miracles or give testimonies to exult myself or for the genuine good of the people?

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