As far back as the book of Numbers, Balaam had already prophesied about Jesus Christ. “I see him, but not now; I behold him, but not nigh: a star shall come forth out of Jacob, and a sceptre shall rise out of Israel; it shall crush the forehead of Moab and break down all the sons of Sheth.” (Numbers 24:17)
Read MoreWhy do we quickly forget what God has done in the past when our expectations are unmet? Why do we abandon our admiration, faith, and devotion when our prayers are not granted? Bitterness, whether against God, others, or ourselves, dries up our faith. We stop seeing the brighter side of our situation and begin to wish for or expect only the worst. Every day is not Christmas Day; Life is a symphony of good and bad days.
Read MoreLike Herod, who killed all the male children born at the time for fear of a rival king, the chief priests and Pharisees couldn’t stomach the idea of Jesus replacing them. Are there people I wish dead because they are far better than me (in school, business, career, church work, etc.)? Do I feel threatened by others’ progress?
Read MoreLooking back at your life, has your name contributed positively or negatively to your current circumstances? The fact that God changed his name from Abram (meaning “like a father” or “honorary father”) to Abraham (meaning “father of multitude”) tells us that names are not merely means of identification.
Read MoreIf you were Jesus and you knew that people were planning to kill you for healing people on a Sabbath, would you continue? Let us be honest. Only Jesus can do this. Only Jesus can take such a risk. This is the nature of God’s love, as the Prophet Isaiah presents in today’s First Reading. It is a love deeper than that of a mother for her nursing child.
Read MoreA tree may appear very nice outside, but it is bad if it bears rotten fruits or fails to produce any fruits. It is easy to pretend. It is easy to deceive others. It is easy to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing, but then, no matter how much we pretend to be who we are not, our fruits will sell us out.
Read MoreThere are some so-called Christians who believe strongly in the power of the gods of African Traditional Religion. Some say that the Christian God is too slow, too lenient, and too forgiving so when they need things done quickly and effectively, they know where to go. If that is what you believe also, just know that you do not belong to Christ.
Read MoreChild of God, let us examine our conscience: Do I feel threatened by anyone who is doing well in life? In all sincerity, are there certain persons I secretly envy and pray for their downfall because they have become successful or are now far ahead of me? Do I kill through character assassination – bearing false tales about others just to bring them down? Perhaps, I am guilty of the fear of the Jews.
Read MoreWhat is the essence of speaking in tongues if there is no love in our hearts? What is the essence of shouting and jumping in the church if upon going back to our homes, we bear grudges, think evil thoughts, and allow sin dominate our lives? If the gift of speaking in tongues was necessary on the day of Pentecost to aid the spread of the Gospel to the ends of the earth, I believe that what we need most today in Nigeria, (a country at the brink of destruction because of corruption at all levels) is the gift of telling the truth and acting according to our conscience. Elections are just around the corner again and so many lies are flying about. Let us ask the Holy Spirit to work in us and through us to avoid making the same mistakes over again.
Read MoreDo I feel threatened by anyone who is doing well in life? In all sincerity, are there certain persons I secretly envy and pray for their downfall because they have become successful or are now far ahead of me? Do I kill through character assassination – bearing false tales about others just to bring them down? Perhaps, I am guilty of the fear of the Jews.
Read MoreA clear conscience fears no accusation. If your heart is pure, you are not afraid of your persecutors because you know the God you serve. You do not take up arms to fight because you trust that God knows how to take care of your adversaries.
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