What have you left behind to follow Jesus? In other words, what is the cost of your discipleship? What do you have to let go to remain a Christian? If truly you have not left anything behind, it means your faith is a matter of convenience. The danger in this is that you could easily fall away in moments of trials. This explains why some Christians move from one “solution house” to another, not minding if they partake in idol worship. Christianity is not only about what we stand to gain from God; it is about carrying our crosses and following Jesus’ footsteps.
Read MoreThe Price of heaven is simple: Keep God’s commandments. This was Jesus’ instruction to the rich man Last Sunday. The second step is detachment. The entrance into heaven is like the “Eye of a Needle.” We cannot pass through this gate with our luggage. Today, Jesus mentions a third step – the sacrifice of one’s very life for the good of others. Jesus asked James and John, “Are you able to drink the cup that I drink or to be baptised with the baptism with which I am baptised?” (Mark 10:38).
Read MoreIt is a good thing to aspire to become the Head of your organisation, the Chairman of your community, the President of your group, the CEO of your company, the Bishop, etc. You may be ready to do anything, even to shed your blood like James and John, but you must remember that it is not your ambition or your effort that will get you what you want but the will of God.
Read MoreDo not envy anyone because of the position they occupy because, in the end, all flesh is grass. The king and the servant have the same fate. On the other hand, do not base your worth on your position; you don’t have to lord it over anybody to feel respected.
Read MoreThere is one lesson to learn from the way Jesus reacted to rejection by the Samaritans in today’s Gospel passage. He would not allow the sons of thunder, James and John, to call down fire from heaven to burn them. He even rebuked them for saying such. All Jesus did was ask them to go to another village.
Read MoreTo what extent do I desire heaven? Am I prepared to drink the cup? Am I prepared to deny myself, take up my daily crosses and follow the footsteps of Jesus? On the other hand, am I only concerned about my daily bread? Am I only interested in what I can get from Jesus right now? St. James teaches us to make heaven our priority.
Read MoreCan you imagine what our world would look like if God answered such prayers? Be careful of the type of prayer you utter when you are angry. Avoid the error of James and John. Jesus taught us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. On the cross of Calvary, Jesus gave us an example by praying for forgiveness (not consuming fire) for those who killed him.
Read MoreOnce upon a time, a popular musician sang: “We all want to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die.” To a large extent, this statement sums up our liturgy today. It is a good thing to desire heaven but the question is: “How many of us are willing to pay the price for it?”
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