Today, we celebrate two great saints, Basil and Gregory. Born in Caesarea, Cappadocia (Turkey) in 329, St. Basil followed the monastic way of life. As a powerful preacher, he vigorously fought the Arian heresy. Born in the same year (329), St. Gregory of Nazianzen was a friend of Basil and followed the monastic way of life for many years. He became the Patriarch of Constantinople and was a great theologian, defending the Catholic faith. Like John the Baptist, these two saints, bishops, outstanding theologians, and doctors of the Church prepared the way for the Lord. Does my behaviour prepare the way for Christ?
Read MoreThe best remedy for bad fear is prayer. Yesterday, we heard the prophet Isaiah say, “That those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary.” Today, God assures us: “Behold, I will make you into a threshing sledge… I will open rivers on the bare heights and fountains amid valleys; I will make the wilderness a pool of water…”
Read MoreIf married couples were to love each other like Jesus loved us and died for us, our world would be a happier place. Love is not about what you get from others but what you are willing to give. To love someone is committing to improving their lives physically and spiritually.
Read MoreChristmas is such a wonderful love story. God’s way of vocalising “I Love You” was by giving us the greatest gift ever: the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ. It doesn’t end there; God gave us Jesus Christ to die for us. Could there be any better way of saying: “I Love You”?
Read MoreChristians who think that Jesus is less than God are confused, they are like new wine inside old wineskins. As Jesus put it: “no one puts new wine into old wineskins; if he does, the new wine will burst the skins and it will be spilled, and the skins will be destroyed.” (Luke 5:37)
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