The Baby Jesus and the Holy Innocents

Herod’s action casts a dark shadow on Christmas. It raises many questions about God's power in failing to protect these innocent children, but it also reflects our human nature. The book of Jeremiah says, “The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately corrupt; who can understand it?” (Jeremiah 17:9). Herod’s action shows the darkness of humanity in need of salvation. It explains what could have become of the world if God had not taken our flesh.

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The Baby Jesus and the Holy Innocents

We behave like Herod when we don’t let others shine. Whenever we hold on to power, even to the detriment of others, we act like Herod. We may condemn Herod’s action, but when we examine our conscience, we realize we have done worse than Herod in the past. How often have I felt so threatened by the success of others to the extent of doing all in my power to pull them down, get them out of the way, or even eliminate them?

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The Baby Jesus and the Holy Innocents

The death of the Holy innocents casts a dark shadow on our Christmas celebration. It gives us a glimpse of the darkness that so filled the earth before Christ’s birth brought light to the world. It also gives us a glimpse of what life on earth would have been if Jesus had not brought salvation. If Jesus wasn’t born, I guess none of us would have been alive today.

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The Baby Jesus and the Holy Innocents

Repent. Let others shine. What belongs to you can never pass you by. Pulling others down, defaming people’s character, or blackmailing just to look good will not get you far.

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The Baby Jesus and the Holy Innocents

There is a Herod that lives in us; it is called our “ego”. It wants to reign, to be number one, to pull others down. It wants to be worshipped by all means. It is ready to eliminate, to kill and destroy others so long as it advances our self-interest. How often have you felt threatened by the success of others to the extent of that you find yourself speaking ill of them, spreading false tales and even trying to eliminate them?

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