Have you ever invested money in a business only to realise you were duped? This is how God feels if we fail to bear the expected fruits. You may wonder: “Why do we have to face judgment?” No farmer plants without returning to reap the fruits of what he has planted. We shall only face judgment because God knows He has put so much good in us.
Read MoreAnother way of understanding this parable is to think of the various soils as symbols of the time we devote to studying God’s Word daily. While the seed that fell on the path represents those who do not spend up to five minutes daily meditating on God’s Word, the seed that fell on good soil represents those who spend hours on God’s Word daily.
Read MorePreaching may begin on the pulpit, but it must never end there. We must go out to touch the sick, feed the hungry and help the poor; we must strive to meet the people where they are. When reaching out to the people, we must avoid turning our ministry into a money-making enterprise. Jesus says: “You received without pay, give without pay, take no gold, silver, or copper. No bag, two tunics, sandals, or a staff.”
Read MoreMankind’s problems are too many, but by failing to do the little we can, we worsen the problem. Jesus did not solve all the problems in the world, but He did His best. He touched lives. He made good use of His power and authority. Matthew tells us Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching, proclaiming the good news, and curing every disease and sickness. You, too, can do something.
Read MoreJesus tells us that a man scatters the seed on the ground and goes to sleep only to see the seed growing. How this happens, he does not know. In other words, it is not for us to know how the Word works; all we have to do is scatter the seed and let God do the rest.
Read MoreJust as God spoke and creation came into existence, they create something in us whenever we hear God’s words. This is what the prophet Isaiah proclaims in today’s first reading. Just as rain does not fall without causing plants to grow, God’s words are never uttered in vain. They never return to God empty (i.e. without accomplishing what God intends).
Read MoreDear friend, do you constantly complain about others? Or are you a Jacob who knows how best to take advantage of whatever may be their situation? When did you last ask for a blessing from your parents or an older person?
Read MoreThere are different hearts, the stony heart, the root-less heart, the distracted heart, and the rich heart. There are different ways people respond when they hear the word of God, but the beauty of it all is that the word of God is so powerful that in whatever heart it enters, it does not remain stale. Something must happen.
Read MoreMankind’s problems are too many but then, by failing to do the little we can, we contribute to the problem. Jesus did not solve all the problems in the world but He did His best. He touched lives. He made good use of His power and authority. Matthew tells us Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching, proclaiming the good news, and curing every disease and sickness. You too can do something. However, know that if you decide to work for God, people will hate you, they will try to discourage you by spreading false tales about you. Imagine the Pharisees claiming that Jesus was casting out demons by the power of demons!
Read MorePray that God sends more labourers into the harvest. Pray for your leaders, pray for your shepherds, pray for me! As you pray for us, perhaps, you too might begin to hear the call of God. Perhaps, God will open your eyes to see many areas where you too can contribute your quota towards solving the problem of scarcity of labourers in God’s vineyard.
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