The First and Greatest Commandment

God instructed Hosea to marry a harlot to demonstrate the idolatrous practices of the Israelite nation. Just as a harlot leaves her husband for other men, we cheat on God when we break the first commandment. Hosea says: “Return to the Lord. Say to Him: ‘…Assyria shall not save us; we will not ride upon horses; we will say no more, ‘Our God’, to the work of our hands.’” (Hosea 14:2-3).

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We Have Seen His Star and have come to Worship Him

Today’s feast is like a second Christmas, but slightly different. While we celebrated the birth of the baby Jesus on the 25th of December, we are celebrating today the realisation that God was born in human flesh. Today, we celebrate the fulfilment of the prophecy of Isaiah as contained in our first reading: “Nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.” (Isaiah 60:3).

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Two Names; One Person

Like Jesus Christ, we all have two names: one that appears on our certificates and one that defines who we are. Although our names vary, our lives must reflect our real identity—Christlike, children of God. People should not only call us Christians; they must also see Christ in us.

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Blessing Your Children

Wish your children well even when they offend you or fail to meet your expectations. Pray for them like Saint Monica, who prayed relentlessly for her son Augustine. Pray for them as Jacob did over his twelve sons, as seen in today’s first reading.

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Repent and Return to Your First Love

Like falling in love, the beginning is usually very sweet; you think about the person all day, and you are ready to do anything for them, but as time passes, familiarity creeps in, the fire goes out. Upon conversion to the faith, the Ephesians must have begun many devout practices pleasing to God, but over time, these practices faded away.

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We are Soldiers!

Today, St. Paul explains that as Christians, we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers. We fight against that thief who “comes only to steal, to kill and to destroy.” (John 10:10). No matter how good we are, we have enemies who would hate us not for the good we do but because they have been won over by the thief – the deceiver whose only goal is to destroy.

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Who is St. Luke, the Evangelist?

Luke heard the call, and he responded. As a doctor, he treated people and cured their diseases. As an Evangelist, he fed their souls with God’s word. As an academic, he wrote a brilliant Gospel after researching and interviewing eyewitnesses. Luke’s Gospel is both historical and revolutionary (concerning the issue of gender equality). Today’s evangelists are not just those wearing cassocks, suits or white garments. Today’s greatest evangelists touch lives right where they are: doctors, lawyers, engineers, information technology experts, businessmen, etc. You, too, are needed here.

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Life is Short: Remember God in Your Youth

The worst mistake anyone can make is assuming that there is time. Even today, I still encounter many youths who engage in immoral activities, thinking they have all the time to repent later. No one is guaranteed time, as we do not know when we shall die.

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Doing God’s Will is Better Than Pretence

The problem with Christianity is that we have too many vendors but very few consumers. Many Christians are convinced about the truth of the Gospel, in theory, but practically deny it by their actions. I was preaching somewhere, and a woman in the congregation shouted: “Father, tell them! Yes. Tell them,” Why do we believe the Gospel is for “them” and not for me?

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Saints Philip and James: Gallant Soldiers of Jesus

Philip was born at Bethsaida and started as a disciple of John the Baptist. After the Baptist’s death, he followed Christ. James, the son of Alphaeus, is called “James the Less” to distinguish him from James, the son of Zebedee. James, “the brother of the Lord”, ruled the Church at Jerusalem, wrote an epistle, led an austere life and converted many Jews to the Faith. He was crowned with martyrdom in the year 62

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Wrap Yourself in Humility: Lessons From St. Mark

One shining virtue we should all have is humility. Without it, we cannot learn from others or grow. We should never do anything to attract praise or exaltation to ourselves; let us allow God himself to exalt us.

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What Happened At Antioch?

Jesus did not explain himself to those asking. He said: “You are not my sheep.” Child of God, are you the sheep of Christ? Why do you still doubt? Why are you still scared of the future? Why are you worried about your enemies? Jesus says: “They shall never perish, and no one shall snatch them out of my hand.”

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