Thanksgiving Multiplies Your Little

The miracle of the loaves keeps happening each time the little is broken. It was a miracle in motion. The more they broke apart, the more the loaves increased. Until we break that little, we will never know how much it is. Never assume you are too small or that you can’t do much. Help one person today. Break a little from your little and watch what happens.

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Lessons From Jesus, The Good Shepherd

What Qualities Make Jesus Christ the Good Shepherd? In today’s Gospel passage from John 10:11-18, Jesus provides four answers to this question: 1. Sacrifice - “The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep” (verse 11). 2. Knowledge - “I know my own, and my own know me.” (verse 14). 3. Unity – “I have other sheep, that are not of this fold; I must bring them also, so there shall be one flock, one shepherd” (verse 16). 4. Power – “No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord.” (verse 18)

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Powerful Lessons on Leadership from Jesus

Leading others is indeed the most difficult assignment on earth. Without cultivating the habit of personal prayer, no one can ever succeed at it. This is the lesson we learn in today’s first reading. In his prayer, Peter was given a vision wherein he was told not to call anything unclean that God has made clean. He would later understand the meaning of this vision when some men came from Caesarea to fetch him. In the end, a Roman official of high standing, Cornelius along with his entire family was baptized and received the Holy Spirit. This paved the way for the spread of the faith to Rome.

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Am I a Shepherd or a Thief?

What kind of leader am I? Do I know my sheep by name? Am I concerned about their welfare or is leadership just a job for me (an opportunity for self-aggrandizement)? Do I show favouritism to a section of my sheep?

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Follow Jesus the Good Shepherd; Avoid Hirelings

It is not the case that there are no good shepherds among our pastors. The truth is that the good ones are most persecuted and if you dare to be good, you are not going to have many friends. Our world does not like good people but never stop being good. Wherever you notice darkness, just shine your light. Go to Church to worship God, not the man of God.

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Jesus Christ, Our Shepherd, Priest and King.

If you consider Jesus as your King, then live as His subject. If you consider Jesus as your Shepherd, live like His sheep; follow His instructions with a childlike trust. If you consider Jesus as your priest, then surrender completely to Him.

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