God Can Never Lie

In every temptation, Satan tries to disprove what God has said; he makes us doubt God, and then he goes further to make us believe that there is something we stand to gain by disobeying God’s instructions, such as the pleasure we hope to get, the excitement of it all, the fun it promises, the hope of becoming richer, more beautiful, more powerful, and connected, and so on. When we listen to the devil, we start seeing God’s commandments as restrictions rather than as keys to our happiness and fulfilment.

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Cleanse what is Inside You

Why did Jesus address the Pharisees as fools? The Pharisees thought they could deceive God by their external show of religiosity. They dressed well and prayed in the marketplaces to attract the praise of men, but their hearts were “full of extortion and wickedness.” It is better to be hated for who you are than loved for who you are not.

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Show Mercy; Inherit Eternal Life

Be kind to people based on their needs, not their skin colour, state of origin, language, or tribe. The Samaritan went out of his way to help this man even though it was forbidden for a Samaritan to associate with a Jew. Jesus wants us to be kind, especially to those who hate us, those who practice a different religion, and those who may never repay our love.

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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Do not be scandalised by any bad Christian. Rather, be inspired by the good ones and strive to be good yourself. Do not allow another person’s sinfulness to become your standard of judging good and bad. Just as there are different kinds of fish in God’s kingdom, we also have elements of good and evil within us

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I Desire Mercy, Not Sacrifice

God knows how it feels to be so hungry that you begin to chew paper (or anything that meets your eye). Whether we like it or not, there is hunger in our country today; people are ready to do anything to survive. We may want to judge them like the Pharisees who condemned Jesus and his disciples. However, before pointing fingers at anybody, ask yourself: “What have I done to help?”

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Worship God with Good Deeds

Do you want your prayers to be heard? God says: “Wash yourselves; make yourselves clean; remove the evil of your doings from before my eyes; cease to do evil, learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; defend the fatherless, plead for the widow.” (Isaiah 1:16-17). There is no point moving from Church to Church or subjecting yourself to abuse in the hands of so-called powerful miracle workers; repent from the evil around you, and God will grant your prayers.

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The Goodness of Good Friday

Good Friday shows God understands our pains. He knows what it feels like to love and be rejected, to be betrayed, angry, hungry, insulted, dissatisfied, sick, weak, or sorrowful. Good Friday teaches us that Jesus once felt whatever you were going through today.

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Live For Others; Let Your Light Shine

Every sin in society today started with just one person. In the same way, our world would be better if we let our light shine if we play our role as salt of the earth. Just as only a little salt is enough to make food sweet, a handful of good people can transform our society. Be good, not just for your sake, but for others.

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Great Leaders are Prayer Warriors

Leadership is not easy, but there is a secret to being successful at it: PRAYER. As a man, Moses was very weak; he lacked physical strength, having passed his young age. He was a meek person. He couldn’t speak coherently and confidently (hence the need for Aaron). The success of his leadership prowess came from his constant meetings with God.

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The Evils We Do Live With Us

If there is any lesson we must take home today, it is: “Be good to children.” Help these little ones; help them achieve their dreams. The same Joseph considered unnecessary by his brothers became Governor of Egypt. The same Joseph sold off is the one about whom Pharaoh said: “Go to Joseph, do whatever he tells you.”

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Dare to be Different: Stand out Like Noah

The story of Noah teaches us one lesson: “If you cannot beat them, do not join them!” In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus basically told us that as Christians, we are called to be Noahs of the world. He said: “You are the salt of the earth… (and) You are the light of the world.” (Matthew 5:13-14). Salt preserves. Noah, by his goodness, preserved the entire world from going extinct. Be good! Be different!

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The Law of Love Supersedes All Other Laws

Jesus was well aware of the law and he knew the implication of healing this man on the Sabbath day. Jesus also realized there was one law that the Pharisees were not aware of; the law of doing good or better put, the Law of Love. So, Jesus asked them, “Is it lawful to do good or to do harm, to save life or to destroy it on Sabbath day?”

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