According to Your Faith

Jesus asked the two blind men: “Do you believe I can do this?” Whenever you go on your knees to pray, picture God asking you this question, and please answer it sincerely. Was this question necessary? Jesus needed to ask them because the truth is that not all those who cry and shout in prayer have faith. Not all those who say “Lord, Lord” will enter God’s kingdom.

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God’s Kingdom is in Your Midst

We can achieve heaven on earth when we go out of our way to bring smiles to everyone around us. We can make God’s kingdom happen when we show care and concern for the welfare of everyone we meet. Someone once said the only difference between heaven and hell is the absence of love. When we hate one another, are self-centred, or desire the death and destruction of one another, we are living in hell.

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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Do not be scandalised by any bad Christian. Rather, be inspired by the good ones and strive to be good yourself. Do not allow another person’s sinfulness to become your standard of judging good and bad. Just as there are different kinds of fish in God’s kingdom, we also have elements of good and evil within us

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Discover The Hidden Treasure

Jesus is not trying to monetise God’s kingdom (after all, no money is enough to buy heaven). Rather, in these parables, Jesus is restating the first commandment: “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one; you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.” (Deuteronomy 6:4-5, cf. Mark 12:29-30, Matthew 22:37 & Luke 10:27). To love God with all of one’s heart, mind, soul and strength is to sell off anything capable of occupying your heart, mind or soul. In other words, do not let your possessions or earthly pursuits take the place of God in your life.

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The Fate of the Seeds and the Weeds

On the day of our baptism, God admitted us into his kingdom, and we now answered the name Christian. However, as time went on, Satan succeeded in sowing very bad seeds into some of us, and instead of bearing fruits, we became weeds (useless plants) growing within God’s kingdom. But remember, even weeds have the potential to transform into wheat with God’s mercy and our sincere efforts.

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Love God by Loving Your Neighbour

If we understand the importance of loving God in our neighbours, we will not be far from eternal life. On the Last Day, we shall be judged based on how we treated others, not on how big our tithes (and burnt offerings) were.

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Innocent as Doves, but Wise as Serpents

“How can Christians survive in a world that hates them?” Jesus recommends two things: One, to be wise like a snake, and Two, to be innocent as a dove. This is one of Jesus’ classical parables. And there could be more than one interpretation of the snake-dove analogy.

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Yes, You Too Can Be A Witness To Jesus Christ

when it comes to witnessing Jesus Christ, there is no need for anyone to look down on himself. None of the twelve apostles was a perfect human being. For instance, in today’s Gospel passage, Jesus asked Philip: “Have I been with you so long, and yet you do not know me?”

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