Choose Good, Choose Life; Choose Blessing

The best choice in this season of Lent is self-denial. We are called to fast (deny ourselves from pleasures), pray (deny ourselves from pride), and give alms (deny ourselves from greed and selfishness). We live in a world where no one wants to hear about self-denial.

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What Have You Left Behind?

What have you left behind to follow Jesus? In other words, what is the cost of your discipleship? What do you have to let go to remain a Christian? If truly you have not left anything behind, it means your faith is a matter of convenience. The danger in this is that you could easily fall away in moments of trials. This explains why some Christians move from one “solution house” to another, not minding if they partake in idol worship. Christianity is not only about what we stand to gain from God; it is about carrying our crosses and following Jesus’ footsteps.

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Invest in a Profitable Life

Jesus is inviting us to invest in eternity and live in such a manner as to be worthy of heaven after our death. If you do not attain heaven, everything else is useless. Regardless of one’s length of days or riches attained, without heaven, one has only lived a wasted life. Go to the graveyard; you will observe that you cannot tell the difference between those who lived in affluence and those who barely survived. What truly matters is where we spend eternity; it is neither how much we gather nor how much we leave for our children. To die in a state of disconnect with God is the worst kind of death.

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Choose Good, Choose Life; Choose Blessing

God who made you without your cooperation will not save you without your cooperation. God will never force His way on us. It will always be up to us to decide what becomes of us through our daily choices.

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Mind Your Business and Follow Jesus

Let us by every means avoid having to compare ourselves with others because we do not know the whole story. Stop asking: “Is her/his/their cross heavier than mine?” We are all carrying the crosses that God deems fit for each of us. No one has it all good!

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Invest in a Profitable Life.

Are you thinking of an investment that is sure to pay you huge dividends? An investment that would continue to take care of you at old age when you can no longer work? Or would you rather invest in something that is capable of taking care of you after your death and forever? Invest in eternity. The good news is that this investment does not require money – it is as easy as following Jesus.

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