St. Joseph: Model of Fatherhood

St. Joseph is a kind of Abraham; he believed the Angel’s message. Through St. Joseph’s marriage to Mary, Nathan’s prophecy in today’s First Reading came to pass. Jesus is that offspring from David’s house, whose throne is established forever. This teaches us never to doubt God. Indeed, as the Angel said to Mary, “With God, nothing is impossible.”

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St. Joseph: Model of Fatherhood

The Bible describes Joseph as a just man. (Matthew 1:19). This means he was a man of integrity. He was well-respected in the community. He had a good name. He was a man of justice. He was not wayward and believed in always doing what was right. Can it be said about me that I am a just person? Do I practice selective integrity?

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The Heroic Role of Joseph’s Faith

Joseph’s faith should inspire us to believe that with God all things are possible. If Joseph had followed public opinion, he would have abandoned the Angel’s words, but he believed against all odds and in the end, his faith did not deceive him.

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