If asking has to do with praying, seeking involves making efforts. Yes, God is interested in the efforts you are making. The man who planted the fig tree did not see any fruits for three years, so he asked the vinedresser to cut it down. The vinedresser pleaded for more time to INCREASE HIS EFFORTS; that is, to dig around it, apply manure and water it more. What efforts are you making? Before you conclude that you cannot live above sin, why not increase your efforts? Why not dig around your heart and apply the manure of the word of God? The worst thing that can ever happen to you is to trivialise sin, painting it as “normal”. Every sin is a disaster.
Read MoreEven today, the greatest persecution we face come from those who claim to know God but do not know Him. One lesson we learn from Jesus’ action today is that even when our life is under threat, we should not be afraid to continue our good works. Do not drop the cross. Be faithful to the end.
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