Christmas is a time of visitation. As God visited us, we are called to visit (bring glad tidings) to one another this season. Again, as God came to redeem us, we are called to redeem (assist, support, encourage, rescue, forgive) those who are down. As much as there are so many parties and celebrations during this period, let us not forget that many are lonely, sad, hungry, sick, and hopeless. Some are even mourning their loved ones. Celebrate Christmas by spreading love, joy and hope.
Read MoreZachariah was given a writing tablet to name his child. His relatives wanted him to name the child Zechariah. However, his silence helped him remember the Angel’s words: “Do not be afraid, Zechariah, for your prayer, has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you will name him John. You will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth.” (Luke 1:13-14).
Read MoreWhat is my attitude to the sick and the old? When was the last time I visited my aged parents or relatives? Am I the type who only helps people when asked, or do I put myself in the shoes of those in need like Mary? During this season of Christmas, one virtue we must learn to cultivate is kindness. God was so kind to us in sending us His Son, Jesus Christ; Mary was kind to Elizabeth by going to visit and help her. Your Christmas will not be complete if you fail to be kind to your fellow brothers and sisters, especially the sick, the old and the needy.
Read MoreMary’s visit to Elizabeth lasted for three months. This means she didn’t go there out of disbelief at Angel Gabriel’s message. She didn’t go there to confirm if Angel Gabriel was telling the truth. She went there to serve. Mary had the nature of putting herself in the shoes of those in need and coming to their rescue. This was the same character she displayed at the Wedding Feast at Cana. This is also why many have received countless miracles and favours when they sought her intercession.
Read MoreZechariah prayed for many years for a child and did not get an answer. When the answer came, Zachariah forgot what he had been praying for. He felt that God had decided not to grant him a child anymore. His doubt was obvious to the Angel. What is that which I have been praying for? Have I reached a point of doubt? This reading should give me a rethink. God knows what He is doing.
Read MoreFinally the Immaculate Virgin, preserved free from all stain of original sin, when the course of her earthly life was finished, was taken up body and soul into heavenly glory, and exalted by the Lord as Queen over all things so that she might be the more fully conformed to her Son, the Lord of lords and conqueror of sin and death
Read MoreIn John the Baptist, we learn that no human life comes into existence randomly. God does the selection, arrangement, and planning. We existed in God’s mind even before we were formed in our mother’s womb. Psalm 139:13 says: “For it was you who formed my inward parts; you knit me together in my mother's womb.”
Read MoreElizabeth did not ask Mary to come over. Upon hearing about Elizabeth's situation, Mary immediately ran to her aid. This quick and selfless response is a testament to Mary’s understanding and empathy. She didn't hesitate to help, just as she did for the couple at the Wedding Feast at Cana.
Read MoreWe get to hear about Mary’s pregnancy from Elizabeth's mouth. “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!” (Luke 1:42). Elizabeth introduces Mary to the world as the woman who is blessed among all women. Elizabeth and Angel Gabriel gave us the “Hail Mary” prayer.
Read MoreDear friends, if God knows our name before birth, he knew about us when we were formed in our mother’s womb. Abortion is the greatest act of man’s inhumanity to his fellow man. By killing an unborn baby, we deny them the chance to live out God’s plans. No justification exists for taking anyone’s life, even if it is just a day old in the womb.
Read MoreIndeed, life is not balanced. No one has it all rosy. Virtually everyone alive today is going through something. However, we can learn from Mary’s visit to look beyond our challenges and difficulties. Let us know to place ourselves in the shoes of others. If you hear something good about others, go and visit them. If you hear something terrible, still visit them; talk to them before you start spreading the news (damaging their names).
Read MoreGod is not pleased with the Proud. God does not recognize those who believe that they are self-made; those who live as if God is not necessary; those who never go down on their knees to pray; those who consider going to church as a waste of time; those who depend on themselves or on other people rather than God. One quality of proud people is that they consider Thanksgiving a waste of time or money.
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