God Desires Mercy, not Sacrifice

This parable teaches us to repent of vices such as using others to measure one’s progress in life, making others look small and unimportant, speaking ill of others, and praying against them. Repent from the philosophy of “I beta pass my neighbour.” Compare yourself only with who you were yesterday. Seek to improve, not to impress.

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What Happens When God Calls You?

The great catch of fish was a turning point in Peter’s life. He immediately recognised God's presence and confessed his sins. Isaiah had a similar experience in today’s First Reading. Meanwhile, in today’s second reading, St. Paul confesses how he previously persecuted the Church, yet God made him an apostle. Is it the case that God prefers working with individuals with a sinful past? What do we learn from these readings?

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The Reality and Inescapability of Death

Daniel was talking about the brightness of good deeds: our holy life, our love for one another, our rendering of help to the needy, our genuine worship of God, our faithfulness to sound Christian living, etc. These good deeds are lights amid the darkness of sin enveloping our world today. If we don’t start shining now, we will not shine when we die.

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Jealousy and Strife: Signs of the Flesh

For the Corinthians, their problem was taking sides between Paul and Apollos, similar to when we began to form camps around our spiritual leaders. Paul was unhappy with them because they failed to see that Paul and Apollos were mere instruments while God was the real Chief Shepherd who made the growth happen.

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Light Needs No Permission (Authority) to Shine

Make efforts to save as many people from darkness but do not get drowned in the process. It is okay to have enemies. The good news is that a light bulb may look small (compared to the size of the room), but it is enough to brighten the entire room.

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O Holy Night

The people to whom Isaiah prophesied in our first reading were a people in darkness. Isaiah prophesied that Christ, the world's light, would dwell in their midst and wipe out the darkness. The Angels announced this to the shepherds who kept watch at night: “For to you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour who is Christ the Lord.”

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Do Not Bury Your Gifts

One of the ways we bury our gifts is by looking for excuses to avoid work. When you don’t want to do something, you would always have an excuse (a valid reason) for not doing it. According to this foolish servant, the Master was a hard man reaping where he had not sown, meaning that, for him, his Master did not deserve the profit. For this reason, the Master referred to this servant as a wicked person. It is a sign of wickedness if we fail to use the talents, gifts and abilities that God has given us.

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Be Truthful Always

Just as there are two separate kingdoms, we cannot belong to both at the same time. Just as satan cannot cast out satan, we cannot claim to belong to Jesus and still be involved in falsehood. We are either children of God or agents of darkness. Hence, Jesus concluded today saying: “He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters.” (Luke 11:23).

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Certainly, after the Story comes the Glory

The journey to anything excellent and beautiful is usually marred with a lot of obstacles and pot-holes. Even serving God is not easy. No one, not even Jesus Christ the Son of God was spared suffering, pain, and sorrow. Like gold which has to experience fire, you would face a lot of fires that would remove impurities from you. Don’t give up on God. Don’t think that your prayers are in vain. Things would not always be like this. Don’t worry – after the story comes the glory.

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Am I For Christ Or Anti-Christ?

Have I fully received Christ? Am I a wolf in sheep's clothing? Do I outwardly claim to be for Christ yet act against him in private? And finally, as a child of God, what are my New Year's resolutions?

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Christ is Coming Soon; What Are We To Do Now?

It is not enough that we hang decorations, lights and pictures of Jesus this season, let us hang the virtues of Christ, chief among which are forgiveness and mercy. Putting up fancy lights is very expensive, not many can afford these beautiful lights but there is another light that cost nothing and is available for all; it is the light of good deeds.

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Prepare for Harvest

There is so much good inside of you. If you search deep enough, you will discover that you are more than capable of goodness. As one author noted, it is our light, not our darkness that frightens us.

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