Is it possible for satan to speak through a man of God? Yes. The question is not whether it can happen but whether you will be able to sift between the voice of the person and the voice of the devil. This is why we all need to pray for the gift of discernment (the ability to distinguish between spirits).
Read MoreYou cannot give what you do not have. Like these disciples, you can only preach the Gospel after you have spent time with Jesus. Show me any good preacher, and I will show you someone who spends time with God’s Word daily. Jesus is still looking for people to continue His mission of saving the world. Pray and study the Bible more if you feel called to be a disciple. Jesus will open your eyes to see many things you never imagined before.
Read MoreIf we must come forward for Holy Communion, we must ensure that we are in a State of Grace; we have prepared ourselves by abstaining from sin or going to confession. Before we step forward for communion, we must have decided to obey everything written in the Book of the Covenant (the Holy Bible).
Read MoreNo matter what your past has been, you can begin anew. Today is your last chance. Today is the day you repent, return and renew your covenant with God. Today is when you examine your conscience and introspect how well you have been living your baptismal commitments.
Read MoreHannah was willing to give something to God in exchange for what she was asking for. Her prayer was her vow. When we pray, we should not simply concern ourselves with what we are to gain from God; we should also be willing to give back something to God. Even in the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus told us that we should not expect forgiveness of our sins when we refuse to forgive others.
Read MoreIf you have ever been duped before by a trickster, then you have just experienced a tiny percentage of satan’s deceptive abilities. Satan is a master of disguise; he never shows his true colours, he comes either as a close friend or as a good adviser and sometimes, he even tempts us through those we hold in high esteem. This is exactly what plays out in today’s Gospel passage.
Read MoreLet us remember that we are the hands and feet of Christ. Wherever you go during this period, do not be concerned about eating and drinking, bring peace, joy, forgiveness, and love. Begin that visit with prayer, talk about Christ and ensure you end the visit also with prayer.
Read MoreWith constant Holy Communion, you just cannot miss heaven. This is why Jesus gave it to us in the first place. Jesus knows that we are humans, flesh and blood, weak creatures. He knows that left to our own strength and willpower, we cannot resist sin. He knows we would need supernatural strength all the time so Jesus decided to give us Himself in Holy Communion. Without communion, you have no life in you.
Read MoreWhile Mark does not give us so much detail, he mentions the fact that “angels ministered to Jesus.” When we face temptations, we must never forget to call for help from above. In every temptation, there are angels at your side waiting to celebrate when you say “no” to the devil. Call them to help you; never trust in your own strength. To win the battle against sin, prayer is non-negotiable.
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