The Anguish of the Elder Brother

No matter what your past has been, as Micah says today, God will forgive your sin (Cf. Micah 7:18-20). The only time God will not forgive is when we refuse to ask for forgiveness. This is known as despair (the belief that God cannot forgive).

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Courage for the Labourers

Winning souls for God (evangelization) is a dangerous business; it is breaking out souls held captive by Satan, who does everything within his power to resist. However, we must never be afraid of whatever Satan throws at us because “even the hairs on our head are numbered.” As missionaries, we are valuable to God and enjoy divine protection. We need not fear those who can only kill the body.

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The Anguish of the Elder Brother

Just as the Father was merciful to the prodigal son, he showed mercy to the elder brother by stepping out of the banquet to reason with him. What kind of a parent am I? Do I pitch my children against themselves by indirectly (or directly) showing preference?

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Two Dimensions of Priestly Ministry

Today's readings present two broad dimensions of priestly ministry: praying for the people and interacting with or rendering service to God’s people. Remember that apart from those ordained, every Christian (by the sacrament of baptism) is also a priest.

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The Return of the Prodigal Son

As we say in the Stations of the Cross, “no matter what my past has been, I can begin anew.” God is inviting us today to rise from where we have fallen, to pick up our Cross again, to say with the Prodigal Son, “I will arise and go to my Father.” Perhaps you haven’t been to the sacrament of confession for a very long time, today is another opportunity. Examine your heart, make a firm purpose of amendment, and return to God.

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