We all desire an easy life, but the truth is that “ease is a greater threat to progress than hardship.” Do not be afraid of embracing hardship, especially when it aims to achieve something good. Do not shy away from the cross. If you are ashamed to identify with Jesus in this world, Jesus would be ashamed of you in heaven. If you desire to true bliss tomorrow, embrace suffering today. The choice is yours to make, whether to follow the beatitudes or to disregard God and face the consequences.
Read MoreRather than engage in useless competitions with one another or expend energy fighting for equality (a fight that will never end), rather than engage in the “pull-him-down” games we play often, there is much peace that comes with realising it is not what we have that counts but how we manage it.
Read MoreHistory is filled with examples of people who boasted of their strength and the power of their inventions, only to regret it later. The fact that you have been successful in the past does not give you the right to challenge God. You may not believe in the power of prayers or the possibility of divine intervention but do not insult those who still believe in God.
Read MoreWhenever you make any promise or plan to do anything, be humble enough to add “by the grace of God” or “If God permits.” In Psalm 20:7-8, we read: “Some boast of chariots, and some of horses; but we boast of the name of the Lord our God. They will collapse, but we shall rise and stand upright.” If you must boast about anything, boast of the name of God.
Read MoreBy saying that “all have sinned,” St. Paul is not saying we should glory in our sinfulness. He emphasises that we must avoid boasting, feeling superior to others, and looking down on others. “Are we any better off?” St. Paul asks, “No, not at all; for we have already charged that all, both Jews and Greeks, are under the power of sin.” (Romans 3:9).
Read MoreNothing is hidden from the eyes of God. If you hide your sin, it will eventually expose you. That which you don’t want people to know will be used to remember you after you have gone. Think about this, today is your last chance; repent, reconsider your evil plans, and retrace your steps.
Read MoreLuke tells us that Jesus told a “parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous and despised others.” (Luke 18:9) One of the symptoms of pride is trusting in ourselves rather than in God, forgetting that our righteousness is a product of grace, not personal efforts.
Read MoreIndeed, if we must boast at all, there is only one name we can fully rely upon; it is the name of God. Only God deserves such a high level of confidence and trust.
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