The Call to Bless

In today’s Gospel passage, we find the height of this wickedness when the Pharisees watched Jesus to see whether or not He would heal a man with a withered hand on a Sabbath day. Jesus asked them, “Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or harm, to save life or kill?” But they were silent. They knew healing this man was not against the Sabbath Law but were too ashamed to admit the truth. Like these Pharisees, we could become blinded by hatred for certain persons and no longer understand the reasons for God’s laws.

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Blessing Your Children

Wish your children well even when they offend you or fail to meet your expectations. Pray for them like Saint Monica, who prayed relentlessly for her son Augustine. Pray for them as Jacob did over his twelve sons, as seen in today’s first reading.

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Bless and Do Not Curse Those who Persecute You

You may not like those who hurt you, but at least be kind to them if you are in a position to help them. Be like David, who spared the life of Saul when he had a chance to kill him in his sleep. The good you do to your enemies will come back to you as a reward from God.

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The Call to Bless

As Christians we all are called to bless; lift people up; elevate others; to make life better for people. Let it be that whoever comes in contact with you goes back uplifted, smiling, and more hopeful. All rules are aimed at uplifting life not making life more difficult for anyone. In fact, there is only one rule – Do Good.

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Blessing Your Children

Our Gospel passage today contains a lot of names; these are the ancestral line of Judah. Not every person in this genealogy was outstanding, in fact, some of them were terrible sinners who did unthinkable things. What does this tell us? That God can work through anybody. Stop looking down on yourself. Every saint had a past and every sinner has a future. Say Yes to God today and let your past pass.

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