Today, we celebrate two great saints, Basil and Gregory. Born in Caesarea, Cappadocia (Turkey) in 329, St. Basil followed the monastic way of life. As a powerful preacher, he vigorously fought the Arian heresy. Born in the same year (329), St. Gregory of Nazianzen was a friend of Basil and followed the monastic way of life for many years. He became the Patriarch of Constantinople and was a great theologian, defending the Catholic faith. Like John the Baptist, these two saints, bishops, outstanding theologians, and doctors of the Church prepared the way for the Lord. Does my behaviour prepare the way for Christ?
Read MoreSt. James tells us it is better to be poor than to enjoy stolen riches. We steal by refusing to pay our workers their just wages or by living in luxury (wastefulness) while millions suffer extreme poverty. In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus highlights the danger of scandal by saying it is better to be dead than to be the source of scandal for little ones (innocent minds).
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